Everyday Champions: Theo Bruinton, Athletic Facilities
Bruinton loves leading a team making UA athletic facilities safe and welcoming for all.
Bruinton loves leading a team making UA athletic facilities safe and welcoming for all.
Rhonda Hester doesn’t just take pride in her work at UASafeState, but also in her passions across campus.
Brooks led her team to expedite UA’s move to become a completely mobile-first campus during the pandemic.
The University of Alabama is home to champions both on and off the field and in and out of the classroom. Everyday Champions are staff and faculty members who work behind the scenes to keep the campus running, show enthusiasm for supporting the UA community and embody the UA spirit of pride, determination and ingenuity. Read Their Stories These are just a few
Keith Norton always wanted to work with people, and when a job opened up at UA, he jumped at the chance to help students.
Case manager Williams helped UA navigate through the pandemic by spearheading the emergency student fund efforts.
When the COVID-19 pandemic made its way around the world, Patridge was ready to assist in whatever ways possible.