Health & Medicine

A visualization of the coronavirus.

Research Finds Link Between COVID-19 Deaths, Morbid Obesity

UA researchers found a statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of morbid obesity in a population and cases of — and deaths from — COVID-19.

Woman in black coat and face standing on street

Modeling the Past for Predicting Future COVID-19

Researchers from The University of Alabama, along with international partners, applied a mathematical tool used to model geochemical processes to infections of COVID-19, finding the model can assist in understanding the coronavirus pandemic and evaluating the impact of different mitigation strategies on disease infection.

Woman in red T-shirt looking at her laptop with hands on her forehead.

UA Researchers Examine Stress of Pandemic on Decision-Making

Researchers at The University of Alabama were awarded a grant to see if the long-term effects of the coronavirus pandemic may include poor decision-making by those who experienced increased stress levels.

A doctor and colleague talking in a hospital hallway.

UA Offers New Minor in Global Health

Beginning this fall, UA’s College of Arts and Sciences will offer a new minor in global health.

Two men in lab coats look at test tubes.

UA Kick-Starts Six Projects Related to COVID-19 and Future Pandemics

Six projects designed to deepen understanding of the coronavirus pandemic and future pandemics and positively influence society will receive seed funding from The University of Alabama.

A female police officer listens to a teacher in a classroom

UA Researchers to Develop Mental Health Training for Police

Law enforcement officers throughout Tuscaloosa County will soon be better equipped to interact with citizens with serious mental illness and substance abuse.

A blue-gloved hand works on a lab bench inserting materials in a beaker.

Four UA Professors Selected for Early Career Awards

Four professors at The University of Alabama this academic year received national recognition early in their careers for leading-edge research that will advance knowledge and enhance the educational experience.

Woman in black coat and face standing on street

UA to Study How Emotions Impact Behavior to COVID-19 Pandemic

A psychology researcher at The University of Alabama was awarded a federal grant to study how people’s emotions influence their response to the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Coping with Social Distancing

Coping with Social Distancing

Social distancing has become a new way of life in recent weeks to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but some may have a tougher time than others adjusting to staying at home and away from family and friends.

Blue police lights flash in the night.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety Supports UA Study

Transportation researchers at The University of Alabama are leading an effort to understand safety for those who respond to traffic incidents.