We Are UA ambassador Donnie Grill at his station

Always Keep Improving: We Are UA Ambassador Donnie Grill 

“Improving the quality of the campus environment means making little changes each and every day.”

women in hats and dresses making snowballs on the Quad

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: UA’s Women Students

Have UA women changed through the decades? You decide.

Wow, Look at the Time!

Wow, Look at the Time!

Daylight Saving Time is here, and that means clocks across UA’s campus get a little extra attention.

The President's Mansion as seen from the Quad with Denny Chimes in the foreground.

Spring Break 2024: Campus Hours  

Find out what’s open on campus during spring break.

students at career fair

5 Things to Know About the Career Center

Learn where to refer your students for free career help on campus.

Minerva statue against clear blue winter sky

Faculty and Staff Accolades for Winter 2024

From first books to new leadership positions, UA faculty and staff are influencing their fields.

Woman entering office of Center for Instructional Technology

5 Things to Know About the Center for Instructional Technology

Learn where to go for all your instructional technology questions and issues.

staff members get popcorn from a machine

Snapshot: Recognize a Kindness Champion This Month

February isn’t just about love; it’s also about celebrating kindness.

Four sculpted figures, three standing, one prone.

A Winter Walk Through Outdoor Art

Look at familiar outdoor art in a new way this winter.

family holding hands

5 Things to Know About the New Employee Assistance Program

Learn what’s new with the UA Employee Assistance Program and its many resources.