Mental Well-being

Uncover Your True Self: A Guide to Finding Yourself in College

Uncover Your True Self: A Guide to Finding Yourself in College

College is more than just classes and exams — it’s a pivotal time for self-discovery.

three young women lying on the grass with their heads together

Healthy Relationships 101: Keep It Real, Keep It Respectful

Build strong, respectful, and fun connections this semester with this guide to healthy relationships and setting boundaries.

closeup of a a table full of notebooks where two young women are studying

Tips to Manage End-of-Semester Anxiety

There are many steps we can take to reduce the severity of anxiety and its impact on our day-to-day lives.

A man leaning over his computer because he's tired

Don’t Let Shorter Days Get You Down

Avoid letting the time change get you down by following several tips.

closeup photograph of the top of Denny Chimes

Get Educated During Alcohol Awareness Week

Be aware of the dangers of alcohol misuse.

two people talking

Relating to Others Who Don’t Share Your Perspectives

With political discourse being so divided, use these tips to engage in healthy conversations to grow.

silhouette of Minerva statue at sunset

Change Can be Hard: 6 Steps to Build Your Resilience

The end of semester brings change, and change can mean stress. Learn tips to cope.

a phone display showing different social media applications

Tips for Healthy Social Media Habits and Mental Health

Learn how to be mindful of social media consumption and curb the negative effects.

young people holding their hands up to make the shape of a heart

Nurturing Positive Body Image in College

Learn to appreciate your body and provide it the respect and self-care it deserves.

students sitting on the Quad chatting

What Are the Signs of Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships?

Here are some resources on campus to help strengthen your relationships with peers, loved ones and significant others.