Business & Economics

Researcher: Amazon HQ2 Search Signals Shift in Site Selection Process

Researcher: Amazon HQ2 Search Signals Shift in Site Selection Process

In a recently published white paper, a researcher at The University of Alabama examines the process Amazon used to narrow its large field of contenders for its second headquarters and its implications for other corporate relocations.

Stressed-out Boss is a Bad Boss, UA Research Concludes

Stressed-out Boss is a Bad Boss, UA Research Concludes

Dr. Peter Harms, an assistant professor of management, examined the body of research into the relationship between leadership and stress. The conclusions show that a stressed-out boss can be a bad boss.

FORTIFIED Assessment

FORTIFIED Assessment

A team of faculty, graduate and undergraduate students collected data in four Florida cities including Marco Island, the location where Irma made landfall.

Women CEOs More Likely to be Targeted by Activist Shareholders

Women CEOs More Likely to be Targeted by Activist Shareholders

Women CEOs are much more likely than their male counterparts to be targeted by activist shareholders, according to research conducted by a team that included two University of Alabama business professors.

UA Report: Business Confidence Holds Steady Across State

UA Report: Business Confidence Holds Steady Across State

Business confidence among Alabama’s industry leaders remains high heading into the final quarter of 2017, according to a recent report from The University of Alabama.

UA Alumna Donates $5 Million to Support Data, Cybersecurity Program

UA Alumna Donates $5 Million to Support Data, Cybersecurity Program

The University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration celebrated today a generous $5 million gift from Marillyn A. Hewson, chairman, president, and CEO of Lockheed Martin.

UA Researchers Discuss Insurance Rates After Hurricanes

UA Study Examines Fate of Firms with Initial Public Offerings in 1996

UA Study Examines Fate of Firms with Initial Public Offerings in 1996

Twenty years after the largest number of initial public offerings in one year took place, a new study from The University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce explores what happened to the IPO companies.

UA Report: State Business Confidence Continues Upward Trend

UA Report: State Business Confidence Continues Upward Trend

Business confidence among Alabama’s industry leaders remains well above the five-year average for the third consecutive quarter, according to the latest report from economic analysts at The University of Alabama.

UA Analysts: Record Confidence Continues among Business Leaders

Business confidence continues to increase in the state of Alabama, according to to a survey conducted by the Center for Business and Economic Research at The University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Commerce.