Have you ever wanted to study abroad while also gaining valuable internship experience?
The Education Abroad office can assist you in finding the program that’s the best fit for your needs, with experiences ranging from developing client relationships in the Caribbean to shadowing doctors in Africa to student-teaching all around the world.
Getting professional development experience abroad entices prospective employers and can be an asset to your résumé.
It shows job experience that’s not just in an office. It really piques the interest [of summer internships and future employers].
Sarah Kidwell, Assistant Director of Education Abroad.
Below are some of the best study abroad opportunities to get much-needed internship experience while also staying on track to graduate!
College of Education
The Consortium for Overseas Student Teaching allows students to complete their student-teaching requirements in an international setting. This exciting experience promotes intercultural communication as student teachers learn different skills and teaching strategies from their time overseas. Students who return gain firsthand knowledge of a different cultural setting. They are also equipped with new tools to inject an international perspective into their future classroom. View the COST website or view many COST opportunities at UA.

College of Arts and Sciences
For pre-med, psychology and Spanish majors who want to gain skills useful when working with Spanish-speaking patients, the Medical Spanish and Health Science program is perfect. At the beginning of their experience, students will take health science courses about Costa Rica’s health care system. Students will learn effective communication with Spanish-speaking patients and gain an extremely marketable skill to add to their résumés once they return stateside.
Students who want to go into the medical field have the opportunity to experience working at a rural clinic in Ghana. The UA in Ghana: Global Health trip allows students to work at a primary care clinic and participate in public health outreach to in-need, remote communities. This experience will add to your résumé and make it clear to employers you’re interested in diversity and cross-cultural communication, a skill invaluable to any medical professional. This course is for students of all language abilities.
It was cool to not only shadow medical professionals but also to experience the culture at the same time with friends from other schools all around the nation.
Jackie Tucker, junior pre-med student
Geared towards various science majors, this STEM summer research program takes students to Dublin, Ireland, a worldwide research hub. Whether you’re in science, technology, engineering or math, there is a research project in this program geared toward your interests. Past students have worked with doctoral candidates and academics in fields such as molecular biology, data analytics and much more. At the end of the experience, research will culminate in a final paper. This could propel your academic career even further.
Another hybrid class-internship experience, the Museum Studies Internship program allows students to preserve Scotland’s historical monuments and artifacts. On this trip, you’ll help tell the story of Scotland, a country rich in history and culture. History, art history and multicultural studies students are urged to apply for this course. During the first half of the trip, you’ll take classes to prepare you for your museum studies internship. This includes an exciting class taught by the former Keeper of Archaeology at the National Museum of Scotland. The last half of your trip is an internship placement that fits your personal academic and professional goals. Past internships have been at museums and historical architectural sites in major cities throughout Scotland.
College of Communication and Information Sciences
This faculty-led program, UA in the Caribbean, is a unique opportunity for advertising and public relations majors and allows them to study abroad while receiving real-world experience. Set in Sint Maarten in the Caribbean, this program lets students work with local influencers and businesses. This will enhance their communication skills, excel in an increasingly international workplace, and make lasting memories. You can sign up to get more information from the program.

Ready to learn more?
You can view all of these exciting Education Abroad programs, set up an advising appointment and more at UA’s Education Abroad website.