When University of Alabama Fire Alarm Technician Caleb Hill comes to work each day, he has one goal in mind: to preserve life.
From the time he wakes up in the morning to the time he goes to sleep at night, he’s thinking about how to save lives.
“Our fire alarm systems are designed to get people out in case there’s an emergency in order to preserve life,” he said. “We’re in every building on campus constantly maintaining and testing our systems to make sure that they are in proper working condition.
“What helps me sleep at night is that we do our very best to make sure these systems are up and running to a perfect standard so that everyone is safe.”
Hill has worked in the fire prevention field of UA’s Department of Environmental Health and Safety for more than a decade.
The Northport native started at UA in 2008 as an environmental safety assistant where he would refill campus fire extinguishers. He said it’s a necessary job, but not a very glamorous one.
“It was rough,” Hill said. “It was hot and sweaty. I was stuck in hot rooms refilling fire extinguishers. You refill them with a yellow powder that can sting your eyes, throat and lungs, but it’s a good substance to put a fire out with.”
It didn’t take him long to seek career advancement opportunities, which came by way of him jumping in the trucks of campus fire alarm technicians to job shadow them in his off hours. When a fire alarm technician job opened, he applied and was hired.
Working to put out and prevent fires on campus isn’t the only job Hill’s worked where he’s taken some heat to save people’s lives.
Prior to his career at the Capstone, he lived in Dallas where he worked as a pro-wrestling gospel preacher. For two years he’d jump off the top ropes of wrestling rings to elbow drop opponents, and then share a message from the Bible with wrestling fans immediately following his matches.
His wrestling name was “Caleb McCulloch,” a Scottish gimmick inspired by pro-wrestling legend “Rowdy” Roddy Piper.
“It was a unique way to evangelize,” he said.
Hill still preaches at Hope City Church in Tuscaloosa, but he’s traded in his wrestling kilt for a fire alarm.
“Fire alarm systems are one of those things you take for granted until an alarm goes off and you have to evacuate a building,” he said.
Hill said he’s thankful for his career at UA and that the campus hasn’t had many fires, which he attributes to the University having a highly maintained fire system as well as excellent health and safety practices.
About Everyday Champions
UA is home to champions both on and off the field and in and out of the classroom. Everyday Champions are staff and faculty members who work behind the scenes to keep the campus running, show enthusiasm for supporting the UA campus, faculty, staff and students and embody the UA spirit of pride, determination and ingenuity. Submit an Everyday Champion you know to be considered for a feature.
Jamon Smith, UA Strategic Communications, jamon.smith@ua.edu