More than 80 members of the faculty and staff were honored for receiving their first externally funded research award at The University of Alabama during the past academic year.

Dr. John C. Higginbotham, interim vice president for research and economic development, recognized the researchers at the Celebrate Research First Awardee Luncheon, held recently at Hotel Capstone. Higginbotham initiated the event to promote, enhance and generate excitement for research activities and opportunities on campus.
“Through their efforts to secure support for their research and scholarly activity, these researchers are helping the University stay on the forefront of innovation,” Higginbotham said. “They helped lead to the University’s best year for the amount of awards and number of submissions.”
Those who received their first sponsored research award at UA during the 2017-2018 academic year include:
- Jared Allred, associate professor, chemistry and biochemistry
- Susan Appel, professor, nursing
- Cory Armstrong, professor, department chair of journalism and creative media
- Angela Barber, associate professor, department chair of communicative disorders
- Andrew Billings, professor and Ronald Reagan Chair of Broadcasting
- Aaron Brovont, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering
- Kenon Brown, assistant professor, advertising and public relations
- Catherine Carlson, assistant professor, social work
- Katherine Chiou, assistant professor, anthropology
- Lukasz Ciesla, assistant professor, biological sciences
- Chandra Clark, assistant professor, journalism and creative media
- Prabhakar Clement, director of the Center for Water Quality Research
- Michael Conaway, project coordinator for Capstone Poll, Institute for Social Science Research
- Ryan Cook, assistant professor, educational studies in psychology, research methodology and counseling
- Kevin Corcoran, professor, social work
- Jennifer Cox, assistant professor, psychology
- Chris S. Crawford, assistant professor, computer science
- William Crawford, physician, community and rural medicine
- Nathan Culmer, director of educational technology and continuing education, College of Community Health Sciences
- Kevin Curtin, professor, geography
- Shibin Dai, associate professor, mathematics
- Glenn Davis, director of EMS Division, Institute for Rural Health Research
- Cary Deck, professor, economics, finance and legal studies
- Andre Denham, associate professor, instructional technology
- Jack Dunkle, assistant professor, chemistry
- Terry Elliott, Center for Advanced Public Safety
- Cassandra Ford, associate professor, nursing
- Louanne Friend, assistant professor, community health sciences
- Memorie Gosa, assistant professor, communicative disorders
- Sevgi Zubeyde Gurbuz, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering
- Hyemin Han, assistant professor, educational studies in psychology, research methodology and counseling
- Karri Holley, professor, educational leadership, policy and technology studies
- Jenna Hurtubise, doctoral student, anthropology
- Zhe Jiang, assistant professor, computer science
- Erik Johnson, assistant professor, economics, finance and legal studies
- Seung Eun Jung, assistant professor, human nutrition and hospitality management
- Jonghun Kam, assistant professor, civil construct and environmental engineering
- Matthias Kaminski, assistant professor, physics and astronomy
- Betty Key, assistant professor, nursing
- Linda Knol, associate professor, human nutrition and hospitality management
- Lauren Kois, assistant professor, psychology
- Lingyan Kong, assistant professor, human nutrition and hospitality management
- Michael Kreger, Garry Neil Drummond Endowed Chair in Civil Engineering
- Sundar Rajan Krishnan, associate professor, mechanical engineering
- Emmett Lodree Jr., associate professor, information systems, statistics and management science
- Junfei Lu, assistant professor, educational studies in psychology, research methodology and counseling
- Nicholas Magliocca, assistant professor, geography
- Linda Manning, director, University Press
- Ian McDonough, assistant professor, psychology
- Robin McWilliam, professor and department head of special education and multiple abilities
- Marcello Minzoni, assistant professor of geological sciences
- Hamid Moradkhani, Alton N. Scott Professor of Engineering, director of Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research
- Laura Morett, assistant professor, educational studies in psychology, research methodology and counseling
- Mercy Mumba, assistant professor, nursing
- Grey Nearing, assistant professor, geological sciences
- Rebecca Odom-Bartel, instructor, computer science
- Igor Ostrovskiy, assistant professor, physics and astronomy
- Travis Parker, Institute for Rural Health Research
- Jeremy Pate, Center for Advanced Public Safety
- Raheem Paxton, associate professor, community health sciences
- Joshua Pederson, assistant professor, communication studies
- Meaghan Pimsler, postdoctoral fellow, biological sciences
- Michael Price, professor, economics, finance and legal studies
- Sonya Pritzker, assistant professor, anthropology
- Catherine Scarbrough, associate director of the Family Medicine Residency
- Georg Schwiete, assistant professor, physics and astronomy
- Clare Scott, postdoctoral research associate, biological sciences
- Stephanie Shelton, assistant professor, educational studies in psychology, research methodology and counseling
- Jonathan Shemwell, associate professor, curriculum and instruction
- Kalyan Kumar Srinivasan, mechanical engineering
- Kimberly Stowers, assistant professor, management
- Ryan Summers, assistant professor, chemical and biological engineering
- Ryan Taylor, assistant professor, electrical and computer engineering
- Leigh Terry, assistant professor, civil, construction and environmental engineering
- Tom Tobin, assistant professor, geological sciences
- Alexa Tullett, assistant professor, psychology
- Monika Wedgeworth, assistant professor, nursing
- Susan White, Doddridge Saxon Chairholder in Clinical Psychology, Director of the Center for the Prevention of Youth Behavior Problems Psychology
- Javonda Williams, associate professor, associate dean for educational programs and student services, Social Work
- Feng Yan, assistant professor, metallurgical and materials engineering
- Jeremy Zelkowski, associate professor, curriculum and instruction