Health & Medicine

A liquid is dropped into a beaker in a lab.

ALRI Awards Funds to Faculty to Address Neurodegenerative Diseases

Promising faculty members Drs. Lukasz Cielsa, Yuping Bao and Stanislava Chtarbanova-Rudloff will use funds awarded to support basic science research in the area of neurodegeneration.

Get to Know Several Popular Diets, Pros and Cons

Get to Know Several Popular Diets, Pros and Cons

As the new year gets underway and the countdown to spring break begins, many students are looking to popular diets as a part of their quest to be in top physical shape.

A forearm covered with a tattoo rests on a table on top of a design that inspired the tattoo.

Tattoos Broadcast Enhanced Immunity, Stamina, UA Study Finds

Tattoos boost the skin’s immune response to injury and convey the person’s vitality, according to a study in American Samoa.

A close-up of a UA doctoral student wearing glasses with the ingestion monitor attached.

Want to Shed a Few Pounds? Researchers Test New Technology to Help

The National Institutes of Health has awarded a consortium of university researchers, led by The University of Alabama, a $2.5 million grant to further evaluate a wearable device designed to change eating behaviors.

New UA Center Aims to Improve Behavior, Mental Health in Schools

New UA Center Aims to Improve Behavior, Mental Health in Schools

UA has strengthened its role as the leader in the state for improving education for primary and secondary education students through encouraging alternative discipline methods and supporting students with mental health issues.

UA Faculty Receive Major Funding to Combat Opioid Crisis

UA Faculty Receive Major Funding to Combat Opioid Crisis

Two UA faculty members and their teams recently received a combined $3.8 million to fund their work in fighting opioid use disorder.

UA to Lead Project to Help Reduce Infant Mortality Rates in Alabama

UA to Lead Project to Help Reduce Infant Mortality Rates in Alabama

University of Alabama School of Social Work researchers will soon expand a statewide drug and mental health screening program to address infant mortality in Alabama.

A man in a lab pulls hemp leaves heaped onto a piece of paper out of a storage container.

In Industry Partnership, UA Researchers Test Hemp Grown in Alabama

Biological research at The University of Alabama will assist the emerging hemp industry in the state by examining the plant’s chemical make-up.

A UA researcher stands in his lab.

UA Researcher Studies How Obesity, Sleep Affect Chronic Diseases

A UA researcher recently received an NIH grant to conduct a leading-edge study that will investigate the relationship between obesity and sleep and their role in developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Shelby Hall's exterior

UA Research Examines Path to Cancer for Common Carcinogen

Recent research from The University of Alabama sheds light on how a common industrial chemical and potent carcinogen begins the path to cancer.