Health & Medicine

Searching for More Answers

Searching for More Answers

Jessica Bentley’s experience with celiac disease helped her discover research opportunities that led to a published paper.

In UA Research, Tiny Worm Mimics Key Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s

In UA Research, Tiny Worm Mimics Key Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s

Researchers at The University of Alabama have shown a tiny worm can replicate genetic causes of Alzheimer’s disease, expanding the breadth of preclinical models for the disease.

A woman poses for a photo outside.

CCN’s Mumba Wins SNRS Early Science Investigator Award

Dr. Mercy Mumba, assistant professor in UA’s Capstone College of Nursing, was recently honored with the Southern Nursing Research Society’s Early Science Investigator Award.

A Nurse’s Role

A Nurse’s Role

As the epidemic continues to grip the nation, the need for more health care professionals to combat addiction and substance abuse disorders is paramount, according to UA research.

Grant to Fund UA Study of Dementia Caregiver Support App

Grant to Fund UA Study of Dementia Caregiver Support App

The national Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has funded a joint project between The University of Alabama and Florida International University to test the efficacy of a web and mobile application designed for dementia caregivers.

UA to Launch State’s First Educational Neuroscience Program

UA to Launch State’s First Educational Neuroscience Program

Undergraduate students at The University of Alabama can enroll in the state’s first educational neuroscience program by the fall 2020 semester.

Online Exhibition Examines Tobacco Companies’ Targeting of Minorities

Online Exhibition Examines Tobacco Companies’ Targeting of Minorities

A University of Alabama professor’s latest online exhibition explores methods used by tobacco companies for years to target African Americans and other minority groups.

UA Engineers Develop Solution to Child Heat Deaths in Cars

UA Engineers Develop Solution to Child Heat Deaths in Cars

A patent-pending device developed by University of Alabama researchers can alert a cell phone when a human or animal is inside a parked vehicle getting too hot. It monitors carbon dioxide levels from human breath inside the vehicle along with temperature and car movement.

‘All of Us’ Research Program at UA Enrolling Participants

‘All of Us’ Research Program at UA Enrolling Participants

Participating sites in the national All of Us Research Program, including The University of Alabama College of Community Health Sciences, have received another round of funding for work on the landmark effort to advance individualized care, prevention and treatment for people of all backgrounds.

UA Launches Child Intervention Pilot for Traumatized Youth

UA Launches Child Intervention Pilot for Traumatized Youth

UA researchers are working with social service providers to implement an intervention intended to help manage problem behaviors in children who’ve experienced trauma.