
Financial Analyst to Present ‘Life After College… Can You Afford It?’ at UA Lecture

Jonathan Pond, acclaimed author and financial media analyst, will serve as an executive-in-residence and guest speaker for The University of Alabama College of Human Environmental Sciences on Thursday, April 2.

Scholarship, Leadership to be Recognized at UA During Honors Week

The University of Alabama will recognize the achievement of outstanding students and faculty during 2009 Honors Week activities on campus April 6-10.

Easter Egg Hunt to be Hosted by UA Panhellenic

The University of Alabama Panhellenic Association will host their annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 5, from 2-4 p.m. on the front lawn of the UA President’s Mansion.

‘Palace of Illusions’ Novelist Divakaruni to Speak, Sign Books at UA

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, the acclaimed author of the novels “Palace of Illusions” and “The Mistress of Spices,” will speak at 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 13, at 227 Gallalee Hall on The University of Alabama campus. The event is free and open to the public; a book-signing and reception will follow.

Asia Interest Week at UA Presents Film, Music and Scholarship

Films, lectures and cultural programs highlight Asia Interest Week at The University of Alabama.

UA Helps Sponsor Community Festival March 28 at Holt High School

The Holt Community Partnership, a collaboration between The University of Alabama and Holt High School, is sponsoring a community festival at Holt High School Saturday, March 28, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

High School Students Named Winners in UA Physics Contest

Talented high school students from across the Southeast were recently on campus to compete in the 33rd annual University of Alabama High School Physics Contest.

Capstone Leadership Academy Brings Talented High School Students to UA Campus

A select group of top students from Alabama high schools have been invited to attend the Capstone Leadership Academy April 2-3 at The University of Alabama.

Noted Psychologist to Speak on Diagnosis of Emotional Disorders at UA’s Dinoff Memorial Lecture

Dr. David H. Barlow, professor of psychology and psychiatry and founder and director emeritus of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University, will be the guest speaker for the annual Michael Dinoff Memorial Lecture at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 3.

UA’s Dance Alabama! Gets Imaginations of Student Choreographers Moving

The University of Alabama’s department of theatre and dance presents the student-choreographed Dance Alabama! Spring Concert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, through Thursday, April 2, and at 5:30 p.m. Friday, April 3, in Morgan Auditorium on Colonial Drive in the UA Theatre District.