
Congressman to Present UA Honors College Distinguished Lecture

Rep. Artur Davis will be presenting the inaugural University of Alabama Honors College Distinguished Lecture Wednesday, April 15, at 4 p.m. in the Ferguson Theater.

Theory of History Scholar Visits UA for Lecture, Panel Discussion

Dr. Hayden White, one of the most influential theorists of historiography, will visit The University of Alabama for two public events in the Religion in Culture Series of UA’s department of religious studies.

Students to Present Research, Creative Skills in Annual UA Conference April 13

About 250 students will showcase their research and creative projects during The University of Alabama’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Conference April 13.

UA to Launch Signature Health and Wellness Program

Faculty and staff at The University of Alabama will enjoy an added benefit this year — optimal health courtesy of WellBama, UA’s signature wellness program. Designed to promote health and improve the quality of life for all employees, this free, personalized program will debut at an official launch ceremony on April 14 at 11 a.m. on the front steps of Rose Administration Building.

UA’s Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity and Phi Mu Sorority Host ‘Get on the Ball’ Event for Children’s Miracle Network

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity and Phi Mu Sorority at The University of Alabama will be presenting the second annual “Get on the Ball” for Children’s Miracle Network event on campus from April 13-18.

Chi Alpha Campus Ministry Hosts ‘Smurf Out’ Event at UA to Fight Poverty, Break World Record

University of Alabama students will be taking part in Chi Alpha Campus Ministry’s “Smurf Out Poverty” event on Thursday, April 16 at 7 p.m. in the Ferguson Center Plaza with the goal of breaking a world record while raising money to feed families in need.

UA’s COE Does Art Presents ‘The Big Bad Musical’

While engineers are commonly known for their problem-solving abilities, students of The University of Alabama’s College of Engineering Does Amateur Radical Theatre are taking their skills beyond the realm of math and science and applying them to theater in the howling comedy “The Big Bad Musical.”

UA Speaker Does the Math When it Comes to Cleaning the Air

Dr. Chris Jones, a noted mathematician, will speak on “Climate Change: Can Mathematics Help Clear the Air?” at 1 p.m. Friday, April 17, in 208 Gordon Palmer Hall on The University of Alabama campus.

Final 2008-2009 Celebrity Series Performance Features UA Symphony, Pianist David Breitman

Pianist David Breitman will perform alongside The University of Alabama Huxford Symphony Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. April 20 in the Concert Hall of the Moody Music Building on the UA campus for the final 2008-2009 Celebrity Series performance.

Noted Scholar to Discuss Myths of Language and College Education in Lecture at UA

Dr. Shirley Brice Heath, a linguistic anthropologist and a former MacArthur Foundation fellow, will speak on “What’s Language Got to Do With It?” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 14, in Gorgas Library, room 205 at The University of Alabama.