Risk to Jaguar Habitat Illuminates Additional Costs of Drug War
As narco traffickers search for more remote areas for their operations, they take over protected habitat and lead enforcement on a costly chase.
As narco traffickers search for more remote areas for their operations, they take over protected habitat and lead enforcement on a costly chase.
UA is collaborating with three Thai universities to find solutions to common global health challenges.
A powerful driving simulator at The University of Alabama will enable unique research into driving behaviors.
The UA Horn Octet won the International Horn Octet Competition and several students won individual awards.
UA professor’s research suggests U.S. drug policy may hamper biodiversity and conservation efforts.
The interactive tour created by a student showcases the diversity of species and notable individual trees.
John Richardson was one of four in the nation to be named an Eisenhower Global Scholar.
Many UA faculty and staff earned awards, published papers and garnered other noteworthy achievements this spring.
The Fulbright Program has selected 14 University of Alabama students for various awards.
The award recognizes faculty involved in mediating disputes, overcoming prejudice and promoting peace.