Capstone College of Nursing

UA, UAH Introduce State’s First Joint Nursing Science Ph.D. Program

UA, UAH Introduce State’s First Joint Nursing Science Ph.D. Program

The University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing and The University of Alabama in Huntsville’s College of Nursing will collaborate to provide the first online Nursing Science Ph.D. program in the state of Alabama.

BAMA-Care to Create Nurse Practitioner Pipeline to Rural Communities

BAMA-Care to Create Nurse Practitioner Pipeline to Rural Communities

A new program in the Capstone College of Nursing will strive to combat Alabama’s number one health concern, access to care, by training primary care nurse practitioners to work in rural and underserved areas across the state. 

Summer Commencement 2018 Gallery

Summer Commencement 2018 Gallery

All the sights from UA’s summer commencement ceremony Aug. 4 are captured here.

Capstone College of Nursing Named Center of Excellence

Capstone College of Nursing Named Center of Excellence

The University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing was selected recently as a National League for Nursing Center of Excellence, a designation that was given to only 16 nursing programs nationwide.

UA to Hold Summer Commencement Aug. 4

UA to Hold Summer Commencement Aug. 4

The University of Alabama will hold its summer commencement exercise Saturday, Aug. 4, at Coleman Coliseum on the UA campus.

Nursing Grants Aim to Promote Diversity, Nursing Education

Nursing Grants Aim to Promote Diversity, Nursing Education

As a result of two grant proposals to the Health Resources and Services Administration, UA’s Capstone College of Nursing will receive funding totaling more than $1 million..

College of Nursing Receives Support for NIH Research Program

College of Nursing Receives Support for NIH Research Program

The University of Alabama’s Capstone College of Nursing is one of six universities nationwide to receive funding through a mini-grant from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) to support the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program.

Winners in Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Conference

Winners in Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Conference

The conference is a premier annual event, giving undergraduates the chance to highlight their research or creative activity.

Tradition Set: First Bama Blitz Raises $1.8 Million

Tradition Set: First Bama Blitz Raises $1.8 Million

University of Alabama officials have announced that the inaugural Bama Blitz raised more than $1.8 million in gifts from 1,810 supporters.

A graphic that reads "Faculty Research Day, Celebrating Excellence."

Ceremony Will Celebrate Research by UA Faculty

Members of The University of Alabama faculty will be honored for their research contributions at the upcoming Faculty Research Day.