Lovers of literature will gather in Tuscaloosa once again to celebrate Alabama writers and the diversity of the state’s literary legacy. The Alabama Writers Hall of Fame will induct eight new honorees on Friday, March 7, at the Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa.
This is the highest honor bestowed upon Alabama writers.
The gala evening is open to the public with ticketed admission and will include a reception from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Dinner and the induction ceremony will follow.
This year’s ceremony will be emceed by Alabama Writers Hall of Fame inductee Daniel Wallace, author of the beloved “Big Fish: A Story of Mythic Proportions.”
This year’s inductees are Ace Atkins, Frye Gaillard, Joy Harjo, Janice Harrington, Robert McCammon and Sue Walker. Authors C. Eric Lincoln and Brad Watson will be inducted posthumously.
Purchase single tickets or sponsored tables online.
The Alabama Writers Hall of Fame was founded in 2014 through a partnership between the Alabama Center for the Book and the Alabama Writers’ Forum. With support from The University of Alabama Libraries, Hall of Fame events are held every two years honoring a new class of Alabama writers.
The Alabama Writers’ Forum, a partnership program of the Alabama State Council on the Arts, engages with a wide network of state and national partnerships to support, advocate and promote writers and reading throughout the state.
Jennifer Brady, UA Strategic Communications,
Michael Pearce, University Libraries,