Get Ready to Vote: Essential 2024 Voting Info for Students

Voting is crucial to democracy. Exercise your right to vote in the 2024 general election Nov. 5 to have a voice in shaping the future of your country. Are you registered and ready?  

American flags fly in front of Denny Chimes.

UA student Rolland Grady knows the importance of casting your ballot on Election Day. She is not only an intern at Crossroads Civic Engagement, but the president of Vote Everywhere, a student organization affiliated with the national nonprofit Andrew Goodman Foundation. 

“Voting is the best way to make your voice heard. In November, you will be able to elect federal and state representatives. These elected officials will make decisions that will affect your life, some of them will appoint judges, and others will decide when your trash gets picked up,” Grady said. 

“Decisions will be made regardless of whether or not you show up, but if you vote you are able to have a voice about what happens in your community and country.” 

General Voting Information for Students

Students can vote in Alabama or their home state but can only vote in one state’s election. You will not be allowed to vote if you have not registered by the application deadline, which varies by state.

Absentee Voting

You can vote by absentee ballot if you won’t be home on Election Day, but those ballots must be requested in advance and deadlines vary by state. You can see information for each state and request absentee ballots through Turbovote. If you live on campus, you can find your residential address, which is different from your mailing address, on the FAQ page of the UA Votes website.

Alabama Election Deadlines

  • General election absentee voting begins: Sept. 11*
  • Deadline to register to vote: Oct. 21 
  • Last day to apply for an absentee ballot by mail: Oct. 29 
  • Last day for voters to hand deliver an absentee ballot: Nov. 4 
  • Election Day! Go vote: Nov. 5 

*Note: mail-in absentee ballots must be received by noon Nov. 5.

Register to Vote 

Registering to vote is the first step to marking your ballot on Election Day. Citizens can register to vote at any time of the year, except Election Day or the two weeks prior. To avoid having to vote by absentee ballot or traveling to their home county on Election Day, students can register to vote in the county where they attend school. 

How to Register to Vote in Alabama

Alabama Voter Registration Requirements

  • You must be a citizen of the United States.  
  • You must live in the state of Alabama.  
  • You must be at least 18 years of age on or before Election Day.  
  • You must not have been judged “mentally incompetent” in a court of law. 

Deadlines to Submit Alabama Voter Registration Applications

  • Online registration deadline: Oct. 21 
  • Register by mail deadline: Must be postmarked by Oct. 21 
  • In-person registration deadline: Oct. 21 

Election Day Info  

Election Day voting hours are 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  

ID Required to Vote

A government-issued photo identification is required to vote in Alabama. See the list of photo IDs valid at the polls.

Final Tips

  • Roll the Vote shows you how to register to vote, provides resources for both UA students and faculty and offers an election countdown. You can even sign up for Election Day reminders. 
  • If voting in person, you’ll want to confirm your polling location, which is assigned to every voter based on the address they used to register to vote. If you move within the state, you will need to update your registration if you have changed voting precincts, such as moving to a new county. 
  • For more information, check out the Alabama Office of the Secretary of State Voting Guide or the UA Crossroads Student Voter Guide. 
  • If you have questions, contact the Alabama Secretary of State’s Elections Division at 334-242-7210. 
  • Know what you are voting for. See what’s on your ballot and share to educate others. 
  • Encourage others to vote! Contact friends or family to remind them to vote Nov. 5.