Samad Gillani

5 Questions with SGA President Samad Gillani

Samad Gillani is a senior double major in finance and economics from Birmingham. He has served on the First Year Council, as deputy chief of staff to the SGA president and vice president for External Affairs. He’s dedicated to amplifying the voices of all students, building a stronger connection between SGA and the student body, and creating a campus environment of excellence. Gillani is passionate about fostering relationships with students, hearing concerns and turning them into real solutions.

What were some of SGA’s highlights this past year? 

Whether it be new initiatives on campus, student-led events or increasing campus engagement, we have truly met the mission of “Students Serving Students.” Some of our most notable events include Hi Tide! Day, where 1,000 t-shirts were passed out, Battle of the Bands, which raised over $9,500 for the Joe Espy Needs Based Scholarship, and the annual Toy Ball, which collected 700 toys for children in Tuscaloosa.

SGA led an initiative to secure free New York Times subscriptions for all UA students. All UA students should now have access to the NYT using their Crimson email. We made great strides regarding increasing campus inclusion, specifically with our October legislation to add a CrossingPoints Bus Stop. Students identified the need for the stop with the help of a fellow Crossing Points student and soon drafted and passed legislation to implement the bus stop. In just two weeks and through collaborating with the transportation department, the bus stop was in place.

The SGA’s Financial Affairs Committee made notable strides in supporting student organizations this year, awarding $150,377 to various registered student organizations for out-of-classroom development, learning and engagements that benefit the UA student body as a whole. 

What are some of SGA’s goals and major projects for the 2024-2025 academic year? 

Some of our top priorities include establishing an immersive classroom experience partnered with the West Alabama Chamber of Commerce and New College. This program will be a unique opportunity for students to travel to cities around Alabama, meet business leaders within the Tuscaloosa area and local politicians, and experience recreational activities that the city has to offer.  

We are also working on establishing campuswide mental health days for students, which would encourage all UA professors to include two excused absences for mental health built into their syllabus, reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and prioritizing UA student well-being.  

SGA has been working diligently to address concerns of the high cost of textbooks and other course material costs. We plan to implement a used course material rental program that would integrate class materials donated by students into UA Libraries to be checked out.  

We have also been working on a community town hall series with the Tuscaloosa community, a transfer student t-shirt swap, expanding the Student Food Pantry with necessity swipes for students in need of basic toiletries, and an expansion of the Gorgas Show student exhibition to other campus buildings. 

What was the biggest lesson SGA learned from the past year that will impact it going forward? 

Through many changes and uncertainty this past year, we as a student organization have honed in on the importance of prioritizing leaning on one another for support through changing times. SB 129 passed, SGA stepped up quickly to ensure students that no matter what changes are to come, our organization will continue to keep student voices at the center of our priorities and ensuring that each student knows that they are valued by SGA and at The University of Alabama. 

How can more students get involved with SGA or stay informed? 

Students can follow our Instagram for frequent updates about our programming and ways to get involved. More information on SGA including expansive information about our three branches, application links and upcoming event information can be found on the SGA website.  

We also have two applications out now! Our First Year Council application is open until Sept. 4 at 11:59 p.m. The Lobby Board application is open until Aug. 30 at 11:59 p.m. We also have rolling committee applications that can be found on our website. 

What is one thing you would like for members or potential members to know about SGA? 

With three different branches, SGA is multifaceted with numerous ways to get involved. We truly believe the best part about SGA is our members, and we invite and encourage you to get to know us and get plugged in! 

SGA wants the student body to know that we are an organization comprised of students dedicated to advocating for and serving you! We are actively listening and adapting to student concerns and needs but we also want to hear from the student body. Whether it is to express ideas or concerns, or just to get to know SGA, we invite you to stop by our Student Center office or reach out to us at


Jennifer Brady, UA Strategic Communications,