Students visit tables at Get on Board Day

17 New Student Orgs You’ll See at Get On Board Day

Hundreds of student organizations, including 17 new groups, will be on hand to share information about their groups to prospective members during Get on Board Day Aug. 29 on the Quad from 5 to 9 p.m.

This Year’s New Groups

The newest student groups tabling during GOBD cover a variety of interests from academic peer groups to music and sports:

Use GOBD to Find Your People

Student involvement opportunities are a high priority at UA and the importance can’t be stressed enough.

“Student involvement plays a pivotal role in the overall student experience at UA. Students are able to develop their leadership skills, make peer connections and connect with the UA campus community,” said Teneshia Arnold, director of student involvement.

“Additionally, student involvement helps to make a large campus like UA seem smaller. The connections and experiences gained from being involved on campus can last a lifetime.”

Get on Board Day is a highly anticipated tradition held every fall and spring where students meet other students, campus departments and community vendors. It also helps students find their place at UA.

“Get on Board Day is a signature event and a major tradition of involvement at UA that has been happening for several years,” said Arnold. “Specifically with fall GOBD, students who are interested in getting involved on campus are able to connect with student organizations, campus departments, and community vendors.

“Students look forward to this event every year as they know that this will be an opportunity to get a preview of the robust student organization community and all the great things happening at UA.”

Visit the Get on Board Day website for more details. Check out The Source to find information and contacts for all of UA’s student organizations. 

Membership in registered student organizations at the University is open to all UA students except where exempted by federal law from Title IX regulations concerning discrimination on the basis of sex.