Student Success Remains UA Priority While Complying with State, Federal Laws

After a review of campus programs prompted by recent state and federal laws, The University of Alabama is making changes across campus while also reiterating its commitment to ensuring all students and employees continue to have the support and resources to achieve their goals. 

UA leaders emphasized the critical role the University plays in the growth of the educational, economic and social condition of the State of Alabama and the country, and stressed its ongoing development of opportunities for students and employees of all backgrounds and beliefs to access the campus, engage with others and be successful.

“It’s important to note we will continue to provide resources and support to every member of our campus community, as our commitment to each individual’s success remains steadfast,” said UA President Stuart R. Bell.

“Differences, including differences of opinion, shared with civility, strengthen our campus community. Our faculty, staff and students will continue to engage in free speech, exercise academic freedom, and join in wide-ranging thought and discussion on issues that impact our world.”

Among other changes UA is making to comply with Alabama Act 2024-34 (formerly SB129) and federal law, the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will close. All campus activities and resources will comply with applicable law by Oct. 1 as website updates and other processes may require time to take effect.

“Our mission has not wavered, and we remain committed to our institutional goals to welcome all, serve all and see all thrive and succeed,” Bell said.

A newly established Division of Opportunities, Connections and Success furthers the University’s efforts to promote success for everyone in the UA community, including those who may face educational access and achievement challenges. It is led by Dr. Christine Taylor, a seasoned senior executive with a successful background in change management, program development, marketing, recruitment and process improvement. 

The new division operates in compliance with recently passed state legislation and changes to federal law, and it aligns with the University’s Strategic Plan

Taylor and her staff are charged with three primary initiatives: 

  • Opportunities – increasing access to higher education through heightened academic support and services for Alabama students and families with lower college attendance rates. 
  • Connections – fostering campuswide initiatives on free speech and civil discourse.
  • Success – preparing students for the global workforce by enhancing skills and competencies sought by employers and by helping students and employees understand and effectively work with individuals from varying backgrounds.

“Acknowledging that different individuals may have different barriers to success in higher education, this division supports opportunities for students across campus, regardless of differences of backgrounds or opinions,” Taylor said. “It will also support programming that engages free speech, wide-ranging thought and discussion, and academic freedom for all with efforts focused on educational purposes and priorities.” 

Division Initiatives 

To help increase college persistence and graduation rates among that group, the new division will provide resources and engagement among Alabama students and families. Working collaboratively with other UA offices, the Division of Opportunity, Connections and Success will expand and enhance the University’s existing academic support and services. 

The connections initiative will provide a series of learning opportunities, classes, workshops, forums and research to understand rights related to free expression of ideas and opinions and to better prepare all members of the campus community for engaging in the marketplace of ideas. The project will also provide ideologically diverse lectures on challenging issues. 

Through the success initiative, the new division will establish a series of interactive learning opportunities for students, faculty and staff. It will help prepare students and employees to work more effectively with those from varying backgrounds. These offerings will be in addition to what is available from various courses within specific major areas of study. 

“We appreciate The University of Alabama System leadership, including legal and government affairs, and their guidance throughout this process to help ensure our mission of teaching, research and service remains the priority,” Bell said.