Spring is in the air, but so is stress.
With the semester almost at its end, final papers are coming due. For some students, this last entry for the course will determine if they receive a passing or failing grade.
But there’s help available to both reduce stress and write a better paper.
On April 8, The University of Alabama Libraries and the English department’s Writing Center will host the third annual “Great Campus Write-In” from 1-4 p.m. at 205 Gorgas Library.
The Great Campus Write-In allows students – both graduate and undergraduate – to write their papers in a social environment among their peers and receive help with both writing and research from tutors who will be on hand.
The free event will provide snacks, coffee and soda on a first-come, first-served.

“Literacy is a social practice,” said Sara Whitver, assistant libraries professor, coordinator of library instruction and liaison to English. “We develop our literacy through social and peer interactions.
“We wanted to create a place for people to come and be with their peers to have those social interactions, stress less and get help.”
In addition to librarians helping students do research and writing tutors helping them choose the right words and use proper grammar, Whitver said a citation station will be available.
“The citation station will help with any citation help they need,” she said. “There will be citation guides, even for some of the lesser known citation styles. There will also be open tables for people to come and work.
“We’re really excited to participate in this opportunity for community literacy on our campus.”