TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — University of Alabama students raised a whopping 565,983 pounds of food in this year’s Beat Auburn Beat Hunger.
The total beats Auburn’s drive total of 516,611 pounds. It also smashes the school record of 319,437 pounds raised in 2021.
The results were announced at an event at the West Alabama Food Bank Friday morning. Together the two schools raised over 1 million pounds of food, which will help families with food insecurity across the state.
All food and money collected during the Beat Auburn Beat Hunger food drive that ran Sept. 17 to Nov. 17 benefits the West Alabama Food Bank, which serves nine counties in West Alabama.
Beat Auburn Beat Hunger team leader, Kate Graziano, said the competition outcome demonstrates the power of community.
“Food insecurity is not an issue that can be solved by one person overnight — it takes the constant commitment of fellow neighbors advocating for and supporting those in need,” she said.
This was the 29th year for the friendly food and fund drive competition between UA and Auburn.
Shane Dorrill, UA Strategic Communications, shane.dorrill@ua.edu