Laura Lemon
Associate Professor
Dr. Laura Lemon is an expert and presenter in the field of communication who specializes in qualitative methods. Her award-winning research agenda focuses on theory building in internal public relations, with emphasis on internal communication and employee engagement. To date, she has more than 20 peer-reviewed publications in top journals such as Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, Risk Analysis: An International Journal, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, and Journal of Communication Management. She also has a forthcoming book, “Mindful Qualitative Researchers,” which will be published as part of SAGE Publishing’s Qualitative Research Methods Series.
Lemon spent more than seven years as a professional in the private sector assisting organizations with effective public relations initiatives. A passionate and dedicated teacher, she is a scholar whose research techniques and professional experience support her expertise in the field. She completed her doctorate in communication and information with a public relations focus from the University of Tennessee. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from Pepperdine University and was conferred a master’s degree in communication from the University of Colorado, Denver.
College College of Communication and Information Sciences
Department Advertising and Public Relations
Phone 205-462-7998