Health & Medicine

UA Researchers Study Watermelon’s Effect on Blood Vessels

University of Alabama researchers are recruiting for a 10-week study to see how watermelon affects blood vessel function.

UA Professor Says Seeing Candy Causes Narrowed Focus

UA Professor Says Seeing Candy Causes Narrowed Focus

Halloween chocolate is everywhere: your office, home, prominent displays in grocery stores. Athough the adverse physical effects of indulging in chocolate are known before unwrapping the first of many pieces, the sight of Halloween candy also has psychological effects.

Exploring Possible Link between Pythons, Diabetes in Humans

Exploring Possible Link between Pythons, Diabetes in Humans

Humans couldn’t be further away from snakes in the evolutionary chain, but snakes’ ability to grow and restructure particular organs could impact future treatments for diabetes and other diseases in humans, according to a biology professor at The University of Alabama.

Wheel Lets UA Researchers Measure Fruit-Fly Exercise

Wheel Lets UA Researchers Measure Fruit-Fly Exercise

Gentle exercise on a wheel can have beneficial effects – on fruit flies. That finding may be good news for humans, too. A new study led by The University of Alabama suggests that a device called the TreadWheel can be used to study the benefits of exercise on Drosophila — fruit flies.

A Helpful Roll

A Helpful Roll

University of Alabama researchers use a mobile clinic to help identify those with hearing loss. They discovered that general health problems, including diabetes and cardiovascular issues, are often associated with hearing loss.

UA Researchers Bring HIV Education to Parolees, Probationers

UA Researchers Bring HIV Education to Parolees, Probationers

Analyses of efforts to provide HIV testing and education classes to parolees by a University of Alabama researcher and her colleagues recently published in the top scholastic journal on AIDS research.

Fruit-Fly Diet Impacts Descendants, UA Researcher Finds

Fruit-Fly Diet Impacts Descendants, UA Researcher Finds

For a fruit fly, what its grandparents ate may affect how much it weighs. But the passing down of a body type based on diet is not a simple cause and effect, a University of Alabama researcher has found.

Research in a Virtual World

Research in a Virtual World

Virtual Reality, in the hands of University of Alabama researchers, has a growing number of uses including potentially helping survivors of severe weather manage anxiety when new storms threaten.

UA to Host Training Course for Clinicians who Prescribe Opioid Medications

The University of Alabama will host a training course May 12 for clinicians who prescribe opioid medications.

Want to Avoid a Cold? Try a Tattoo or Twenty, says UA Researcher

There’s no known cure for the common cold, but receiving multiple tattoos can strengthen your immunological responses, potentially making you heartier in fighting off common infections, according to research by a trio of University of Alabama scholars.