Graduate School

From GED to EdD: Mendez Navigates Long Road

From GED to EdD: Mendez Navigates Long Road

Life came fast at Larry Mendez. He dropped out of high school in Tyler, Texas at age 16, the same age as his mother when she gave birth to him.

UA to Hold Commencement Exercises May 5-7

UA to Hold Commencement Exercises May 5-7

The University of Alabama will hold its spring commencement exercises May 5-7 at Coleman Coliseum on the UA campus.

UA Grad Students Win Research Travel Awards at Symposium

UA Grad Students Win Research Travel Awards at Symposium

Five graduate students representing three colleges at The University of Alabama were honored recently for the top research papers and posters at the Educational Studies Graduate Research Symposium.

UA Announces Outstanding Graduate Student Awards for 2017

The University of Alabama Graduate School has announced the recipients of the 2017 Outstanding Graduate Student awards. The awards will be presented during UA Honors Week from Monday, April 3, to Friday, April 7.

UA Graduate Student Wins 2017 Scholars for the Dream Travel Award

University of Alabama graduate student Candace Chamber’s will receive the 2017 Scholars for the Dream Travel Award from the National Council of Teachers of English.

The Scholars for the Dream Travel Award is a national award given to emerging scholars of color – graduate students – who are embarking on scholarship that is promising, said Dr. Michelle Robinson, an assistant professor of English at UA.

Educational Studies’ Graduate Research Symposium Accepting Proposals

Educational Studies’ Graduate Research Symposium Accepting Proposals

The 2017 ESPRMC Graduate Research Symposim will be held Thursday, April 13. As many as five $500 travel awards will be presented to the top graduate students this year.

Women in STEM

Women are making strides in STEM fields, but there’s still work to be done.

UA Holds Symposium for Women in STEM

UA Holds Symposium for Women in STEM

The University of Alabama’s Women in STEM initiaitve hosts its fifth annual WiSE symposium March 3-4.

UA Grad Students Offer Space-Themed Family Night

UA Grad Students Offer Space-Themed Family Night

West Alabama families are invited to don their spacesuits and prepare for blastoff during this year’s space-themed Hands-on Family Night on Feb. 11 at the Alabama Museum of Natural History on The University of Alabama campus.

UA Announces Winners of Three Minute Thesis Competition

The University of Alabama recently held the final round of its annual Three Minute Thesis competition, and a graduate student in the department of educational studies in psychology, research, methodology and counseling took home first place honors.