Museums & Libraries

Mounds at the Moundville Archaeological Park

‘Saturday in the Park’ is Back at Moundville Archaeological Park

Moundville Archaeological Park resumes its Saturday in the Park programs this weekend.

TICKS 101: How to Avoid, Identify and Respond to Ticks this Summer

TICKS 101: How to Avoid, Identify and Respond to Ticks this Summer

It’s time for ticks, the long lost cousins of spiders and scorpions and the brothers of mites, to have their season, and Dr. John Abbott, director of museum research and collections at The University of Alabama Museums, has the low-down on how to avoid them.

Bryant Museum Unveils New Sculpture

Bryant Museum Unveils New Sculpture

The Bryant Museum has installed a new sculpture, honoring the late Kevin Turner, in the “Tide Through Time” exhibit.

Move over, Excalibur

Move over, Excalibur

Four engineering students completed a year-long project in which they replicated an 18th century British Hanger rapier.

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Freshwater Mussels

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Freshwater Mussels

The Museums’ Collections Spotlight is a weekly feature that highlights an item from The University of Alabama Museums’ Collections.

Smith Hall

Science Sunday Focuses on Recycling

The West Alabama community is invited to learn how they can reduce, reuse and recycle during “Science Sunday: Recycle Alabama” at the Alabama Museum of Natural History on The University of Alabama campus this weekend.

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Jar of Ants

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Jar of Ants

The Museums’ Collections Spotlight is a weekly feature that highlights an item from The University of Alabama Museums’ Collections.

UA Museums’ Bioblitz Encourages Exploration of Nature

UA Museums’ Bioblitz Encourages Exploration of Nature

Several University of Alabama museums are celebrating Earth Day with a Bioblitz Saturday, April 22.

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Stone Axe

UA Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Stone Axe

The Museums’ Collections Spotlight is a weekly feature that highlights an item from The University of Alabama Museums’ Collections.

Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Pennsylvanian Insect Wing

Museums’ Collections Spotlight: Pennsylvanian Insect Wing

The Museums’ Collections Spotlight is a weekly feature that highlights an item from The University of Alabama’s Museums’ Collections.