TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Stephen K. Swofford has been named vice president of District 6 for The University of Alabama National Alumni Association for 2006-2007.
Swofford received his bachelor’s degree in marketing from UA in 1973 and his master’s degree in economics from UA in 1974. Swofford is president of the Alabama Credit Union in Tuscaloosa.
He has served as chapter president and member of the Tuscaloosa County Alumni Board. As vice president of District 6, Swofford said he would like to be instrumental in “spreading the word” about the progress being made at the University.
Swofford also serves as an adult scout leader for the Boys Scouts of America as well as being a member of the Kiwanis Club and Indian Springs First Baptist Church.
Swofford and his wife, Donna, have two children: Keith, 15, and Rachel, 9.
The UA National Alumni Association is divided into 16 districts within Alabama and six regions outside the state. Each is represented by a vice president who serves on the NAA Executive Committee and makes decisions concerning the organization and funding of a variety of programs and events to benefit alumni, students and the University. The National Alumni Association supports UA through the combined efforts of its volunteer leadership, the alumni staff and more than 29,000 active members.
Erin Ireland or Linda Hill, UA Media Relations, 205/348-8325, lhill@ur.ua.edu
Robin Elmore, UA National Alumni Association, 205/348-1545, relmore@alumni.ua.edu