Solomon Ajasa with Denny Chimes in the background.

5 Questions with GSA President Solomon Ajasa

Solomon Ajasa is a doctoral student in the civil, construction and environmental engineering department. He also holds a leadership position in the International Peer Advisory Council. He represents graduate students on several university committees, including the International Education, Campus Safety and Security Committee and Dining Service Development. Additionally, he is an active member of the African Student Association. Ajasa doubles as a graduate teaching and research assistant in his department.

What were some of GSA’s highlights this past year?

We made significant strides in supporting graduate students through various initiatives and events. We hosted social and community service events, including town halls, tailgates, Happy Hour and Coffee Hour sessions with the International Student Scholar Services, colleges and associations, focusing on underrepresented groups within the graduate student community. Additionally, we organized corporate professional development events, such as the Labor Law Employee Rights discussion, for students graduating soon.

A standout event was the Black in Grad School panel discussion, organized in partnership with the Black Graduate Student Association, Black Law Student Association and African Student Association. We continued advocating for our fellow students through service on University standing committees, legislation in our House of Delegates and involvement with the SEC Coalition of Graduate Student Associations.

During Black History Month, we organized graduate students on an excursion to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. We passed multiple pieces of legislation through the House of Delegates addressing graduate student health care and the review and accessibility of resources. Our efforts culminated in being recognized as the Most Outstanding Graduate Student Organization during the Exemplo Capstone Awards.

What are some of the GSA’s goals and major projects for the 2024-2025 academic year?

This year, GSA will focus on advocacy and professional development. We plan to conduct needs assessments on transportation, resource requirements and access to amenities, especially during the summer semester. GSA will also review existing policies to ensure they serve the best interests of graduate students. We will partner with different centers to offer free workshop sessions to graduate students, ensuring all-round development opportunities throughout the school year.

We will continue to emphasize making all graduate students feel welcome on campus by innovating our programming and collaborating with different groups for town halls, coffee hours and new event opportunities. Additionally, we aim to keep graduate students informed about GSA programming and policies through our executive branch, House of Delegates and social media platforms.

What was the biggest lesson the GSA learned from the past year that will impact it going forward?

One of the most significant lessons we learned is the importance of serving as a liaison between graduate students, their departments and University administration. This insight has led us to prioritize the advocacy and information dissemination roles of our Executive Council and House of Delegates. Graduate students are essential to The University of Alabama’s status as an R1 institution, contributing significantly to its focus on teaching, research and service.

We are committed to listening to and acting on behalf of all students – traditional and non-traditional, domestic and international, distance learners and on-campus students. Our vision for the GSA is to create an environment where every graduate student feels heard, valued and supported. And if we can have fun through our programming while doing so, all the better!

How can more graduate students get involved with GSA or stay informed?

GSA hosts a series of town hall sessions throughout the year, providing opportunities for students to engage directly with the Executive Council, House of Delegates and University departments. All GSA events are open to every graduate student, as all are considered members of the Graduate Student Association. To stay informed and involved with GSA’s events, programming and initiatives, we encourage students to follow our endeavors on our website, Instagram, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn or contact us at

What is one thing you would like for graduate students to know about GSA?

GSA is committed to being a robust advocate and resource for all graduate students at The University of Alabama. We strive to ensure that every graduate student feels welcomed, supported and empowered to succeed academically, professionally and personally. We aim to foster a vibrant and inclusive community where students can connect, collaborate and thrive.

Whether through our advocacy efforts, professional development workshops or social and community service events, we are dedicated to enhancing the graduate student experience and addressing the diverse needs of our members. By getting involved with GSA, you are joining a dynamic and dedicated network of peers and leaders passionate about positively impacting our campus and beyond.