UA Computer-Based Honors Program Celebrates Big 4-0

This archive photo shows Dr. Cathy Randall (far left), former program director, working with CBH students.
This archive photo shows Dr. Cathy Randall (far left), former program director, working with CBH students.

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – The University of Alabama Computer-Based Honors Program is reaching a milestone anniversary with the celebration of its 40th anniversary on campus Saturday, Sept. 20.

The CBH program provides exceptional undergraduate students majoring in any academic field the opportunity to engage in research projects with top professors by applying their intellect and computing skills.

The program is highly selective and the program’s students go through a rigorous series of computer education, research basics and project management courses. These vital skills are then put to use during the student’s sophomore through senior years as they engage in a research project under the direction of a faculty member.

Dr. Shane Sharpe, CBH director, adds that the academically elite program would not be possible or as successful without the dedication and commitment of the UA faculty who mentor the students.

“Faculty members are absolutely critical to our success,” said Sharpe. “And, they are continuing to build on a 40 year tradition of excellence.”

For the 40th CBH anniversary, students are hosting an alumni reunion and have alumni commitments from each of the four decades, including members of the first class in 1968.

Current CBH students have developed an online scrapbook which houses old and current pictures of alumni and current students. During the anniversary festivities alumni will be encouraged to produce a short video diary that will also be displayed on the CBH Web site. The archive can be viewed at

The CBH program and its students have received many national awards including being cited by the National Institute of Education as one of the top six most intriguing honors programs in the U.S. CBH was founded by Dr. Charles L. Seebeck in 1968 through an NSF grant and was the premier program of its time with a University-wide undergraduate research program.

CBH has evolved quite a bit since its inception in 1968. With the technological advances that have taken place over the last 40 years, student projects are now afforded greater depth and scope. Although many of the projects today range in complexity and subject fields, all of the projects have been innovative; many of the students who have developed these projects have been recognized with national awards.

The 40th Anniversary Program of the UA Computer-Based Honors Program on Sept. 20 is as follows:

40th Anniversary Program of the UA Computer-Based Honors Program
9 a.m.
Nott Hall open
Refreshments available
10-10:30 a.m.
Undergraduate Research Lab Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
10:30 a.m.-noon
Seebeck Society Meeting
173 Nott Hall
Childcare provided during the meeting
12:15-2 p.m.
BBQ Picnic Lunch
Families welcome to attend
$5 cost per lunch
2-4:30 p.m.
Research Fair
Undergraduate Research Lab
Poster presentations by current CBH students
5 p.m.
On your own with classmates

If the Alabama vs. Arkansas football game is scheduled during the CBH anniversary celebration, the game will be shown in several locations. For more information, contact CBH at 205/348-5029 or


Rachel Kelly or Linda Hill, UA Media Relations, 205/348-8325,


Dr. Shane Sharpe, director, Computer-Based Honors Program,, 205/348-5029, 348-9851
Jane Batson, Computer-Based Honors Program,, 205/348-5029, 348-5500