about the AUTHOR
Hailey Adams is a second-year student at The University of Alabama. She is in the honors program and majoring in public relations.
Welcome to The University of Alabama, freshmen! As a sophomore who was just in your shoes a year ago, I want to share some advice to help you navigate your first year. There’s a lot to take in, so embrace every moment, but don’t become overwhelmed — you’ve got this.
1. Go to Get on Board Day.
GOBD is an event you do not want to miss. It’s a great opportunity to explore the amazing clubs, organizations and activities UA has to offer. This year’s event will happen Aug. 29 from 5 to 9 p.m. Here’s why you should go and what to know before you step foot on the Quad:
- Find Your Niche: Whether you’re into sports, arts, academics or social causes, there’s a club for you. Try to sign up for at least one club that involves one of your passions. This way you will meet people who you know share your interests.
- Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Since there are almost 700 clubs on campus, you can certainly find something you never thought of before. Be brave and try out something new, which can be super exciting. This will help you step outside your comfort zone and meet someone who may not be exactly like yourself.
- Enhance Your Résumé: Getting involved in extracurricular activities can boost your résumé and provide valuable experiences. Go visit a table that applies to your major or a future aspiration of yours and sign up for it.
- Set a Goal for Yourself: My biggest advice for GOBD is to set a goal to sign up for a certain amount of clubs or talk to a specific number of people. GOBD is supposed to help you find your community on campus and create friendships that will last beyond your four years on campus.
2. When it comes to class schedules and professors, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
One of the biggest transitions from high school to college is managing your class schedule and working directly with professors. Here are a few tips on how to be successful in the classroom.
- Plan Your Schedule Wisely: Balance your course load. It is okay to mix in some easier classes with your tougher ones. Sometimes if you stack yourself with the hardest classes, you may get overwhelmed and not be able to apply yourself to the class as much as you would like.
- Get to Know Your Professors: Attend office hours, introduce yourself and ask questions. Professors are there to help you succeed. I remember the first day of class I made myself say hello to every professor I had. My second goal was to go and attend their office hours. Even if I wasn’t struggling in the class, I still did it because it helped me know my professor better.
- Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to raise your hand in class or seek help outside of it. Asking questions is a sign of engagement, not weakness. Trust me, if you are thinking about a question another person is thinking the same thing.
3. Take safety seriously and get the app.
While campus is a safe place, it is always best to be prepared and know what to do and where to go for information before an emergency happens. The University provides many resources and tips to keep you safe:
- UA Safety App: Download the UA Safety app! I cannot stress enough how beneficial the UA Safety app is. Not only does it send you emergency alerts and weather alerts, but it will even let you know if there is going to be rain, winds, high heat or any other extreme weather conditions. It also includes instant access to emergency contacts, safety tips, a map of the entire university with building names, and more. This app really helped me succeed freshman year and feel safe no matter what.
- Stay Informed: Follow UA Safety on social media and pay attention to safety alerts. These alerts sent out by UA should be taken seriously.
4. Everyone is nervous, so don’t be too afraid.
Starting college is a big step, and it’s normal to feel nervous. Something to always remember is these feelings are not just yours. Here are a few things to keep in mind and encourage you as you get to campus:
- You’re Not Alone: Everyone is in the same boat. Most freshmen are just as nervous as you are. I remember thinking that no one was feeling the same way as I, however after I had a heart-to-heart conversation with multiple people, I realized it was not just me.
- Be Open: Go to events, introduce yourself to people, and put yourself out there. It might be scary at first, but it’s the best way to make friends. You may be thinking, “Well everyone will judge me if I do that,” but that is not the case. Everyone is meeting new people and will be excited to get to know you. So be bold and brave and just say hey!
- Participate in Everything: Whether it’s a dorm meeting, a football game or a campus event, showing up is half the battle. You’ll feel more connected to the UA community and make memories that will last a lifetime. UA always has something going on, especially in the first few weeks, so take advantage and attend.
Your first year at The University of Alabama is a time of growth, learning and fun. Embrace the opportunities, stay safe and remember you are never alone. Roll Tide!