Alicia Browne

We Are UA Ambassador Knows the People Bring the Magic

Through 16 years of serving The University of Alabama, Alicia Browne has found a constant. No matter what’s happening, it’s her fellow faculty and staff that make the Capstone a special place.

“We have a gorgeous campus and fabulous facilities, but it’s the people who bring the magic.”

Currently serving as the director of housing administration, the Ohio native has worked in a variety of roles within the Division of Student Life and as director of college relations for Honors College. Each role has been enriching, satisfying and challenging.

Through her job in housing, she sees the wonder and excitement incoming freshmen experience when they arrive to begin their new lives at UA, and she considers it a privilege to work with them and their families. She also sees how faculty and staff go out of their way to help students succeed in the face of challenges.

Foremost among challenges this past year was the coronavirus. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world entirely, and it certainly changed housing. “I’m so proud of the way my colleagues helped students in the best and safest way we possibly could through all the months of the pandemic,” Browne said.

“We see the difference we make. By supporting the University, we are setting an example for others in the community.”

But challenges and opportunities for growth go far beyond the pandemic. To make the best experience for students, she relies on partners across campus. The moments when faculty and staff from different areas brainstorm creative solutions to help students succeed are moments of great satisfaction, she said. Working with such dedicated colleagues makes her job better every day.

As this year’s staff ambassador for the We Are UA giving campaign, Browne has another opportunity to work with her fellow faculty and staff with the goal of making a vital difference to students. And she knows the influence of We Are UA goes beyond faculty and staff.

“In many ways, it’s the faculty and staff who know the campus best. We know the challenges and opportunities; we know the programs and resources. We see the difference we make. By supporting the University, we are setting an example for others in the community.”

“The years I’ve been here have been years of tremendous growth due to the opportunities the University has provided,” she said. And while she cherishes that time, Browne looks forward to seeing more magic at the University as her colleagues create innovative programs, conduct life-changing research and build new buildings — especially the new Tutwiler Residence Hall. “I can’t wait!”

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