The University of Alabama dedicated Autherine Lucy Hall in honor of Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster, the first African American to enroll and attend UA, on Feb. 25.
Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster earned a master’s degree in elementary education in 1991 and was bestowed an honorary doctoral degree in 2019.
“How fitting is it that the building that houses our College of Education, the building that once held you in the darkest hour of our university, will face the rising sun bearing your name as a monument to freedom and education now, education tomorrow and education forever.” – Quin Kelly, president of the UA Graduate Student Association
Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster’s legacy at the University is recognized through a historical marker in front of Autherine Lucy Hall, the Autherine Lucy Clock Tower and numerous campus awards and honors named for her.
“If I am a master teacher, do you know what I hope I’m teaching you? That love will take care of everything in our world.” – Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster
Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster was given the distinction of master teacher by the state of Alabama.
Dr. Autherine Lucy Foster cuts the ribbon for Autherine Lucy Hall.
Autherine Lucy Hall is the home of the College of Education.