Latinx Faculty, Staff Association Celebrates Heritage with Dancing September 30, 2021 Written by Jamon Smith 1 min read TwitterFacebookLinkedInEmail ¡Baile! The Latinx Faculty and Staff Association, Education Abroad and University Programs hosted an evening of salsa dancing, food and music. An instructor taught faculty, staff and students to salsa, a dance that combines elements of jazz and rock. Dr. Myron Pope, vice president for student life, joined the fun, showing off his salsa skills. Pope and others learned to salsa one step at a time. Once the steps were learned, participants put it all together. Participants paired up, which is the typical way that salsa is peformed. Salsa dance movements originate from the Cuban son dancing of the 1920s. Although salsa dancing is taught in steps, once learned it is to be performed spontaneously and freely. Once confidence in the dance was gained, some participants took it to the next level. The event ended with smiles, laughter, a little bit of sweat and a new, fun skill acquired. Contact Jamon Smith, UA Strategic Communications,