Over the last several months, Gorgas Library has undergone some major renovations. Most recently completed were two second floor meeting spaces.
Last fall, the Library held a contest to get the campus community involved in naming the two new rooms. The votes were tallied, and the spaces have been named the Yellowhammer Room, in the northeast corner, and the Camellia Room, in the southeast corner.
The rooms are now available for campus groups to use.
Registered student organizations, University departments and faculty/staff organizations are all eligible to reserve the rooms for events that have an anticipated audience of 30 or more people, and at least one of the following:
- Have faculty and/or current or prospective students as the primary audience.
- Have an academic focus (lectures, readings, book signings, academic awards ceremonies, exhibits or performances).
- Promote the exchange of ideas and intellectual debate.
- Honor students, faculty and friends of the University for outstanding service or achievement.
A complete list of guidelines for room reservation can be found at www.lib.ua.edu/about/libraries-policies/gorgas-meeting-spaces/.
For additional information about the spaces or to reserve a room, contact Emily Burnett at emburnett@ua.edu or 205-348-5543.