The Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program recognizes the best research activity conducted by undergraduate students at The University of Alabama.
Recipients and their nominators were recognized at a luncheon in their honor during UA’s Honors Week. Students are nominated by faculty and staff research directors.
Sarah Burnash received the H. Pettus Randall Jr. Endowed Scholarship for her senior year. The scholarship is awarded to the highest vote recipient who is a junior in the Randall Research Scholars Program.
In 1997, the Randall Publishing Co. and the H. Pettus Randall III family created the Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program in memory of Henry Pettus Randall Jr., a distinguished UA alumnus and creator of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.
UA research faculty members and past winners of the Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award select the winners.
The winners are:
First Name | Last Name | Major | College | Title of Research Effort | Faculty Mentor |
Timothy | Brusuelas |
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Engineering | Electrodeposition of Nickel for Microdevices from Lithium Chloride Water-in-Salt Electrolytes. | Dr. Qiang Huang |
Molly | Buffington |
Arts & Sciences | A Faith That Sings: Liturgy as a Theological Tool in the Reformation. | Dr. James Mixson |
Molly | Buffington |
Latin, German, History
Arts & Sciences | Hyperphysicism and Mystery in the Sacramentarian Dispute of the 1570s. | Dr. Kirk Summers |
Sarah | Burnash |
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Engineering | Cardiovascular Drift: Menstrual Phase Dependent Fluctuations. | Dr. Jonathan Wingo |
Hope | Burnham |
Chemistry & Biology
Arts & Sciences | Phase-Changing Borane Containing Fuels. | Dr. David Dixon and Dr. Shane Street |
Holden | Clark |
Electrical Engineering
Engineering | Augmenting a Patch Antenna with a Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. | Dr. Nathan Jeong |
Lauren | Cook |
Arts & Sciences | Gene-by-Environmental disruption of mitochondrial homeostasis in response to exposure to a noxious stimulus in a C. elegans model of Parkinson’s disease. | Dr. Kim Caldwell |
Ellis | Crabtree |
Chemical Engineering
Engineering | Computer Simulation of Hybrid Ionic Polyimide and Ionic Liquid Membranes for Industrial Gas Separation. | Dr. Heath Turner |
Emma | Culbertson |
Arts & Sciences | Understanding mechanisms of a CRISPR-Cas immune system in Staphylococcus epidermidis. | Dr. Asma Hatoum-Aslan |
Owen | Cunneely |
Arts & Sciences | Determining the Influence of Gut Microbiota Composition on D. melanogaster Metabolic Phenotype. | Dr. Laura Reed |
Ashley | Eberly |
Arts & Sciences | Chemistry of High Valency Actinides with Hydroxide Ligands: Search for the Highest Valency Based on Thermodynamics. | Dr. David Dixon |
Olivia | Fish |
Biology and Dance
Arts & Sciences | Assessing the evolution of mushroom-toxin tolerance in the immigrins-tripunctata species radiation of Drosophila. | Dr. Laura Reed |
Amber | Gomez |
Chemical Engineering
Engineering | Lewis Acidities of the Actinides Actinide and +II and +III Ion Aqueous Hydrolysis Reactions. | Dr. David Dixon |
Joline | Hartheimer |
Chemical Engineering
Engineering | Targeting Hyaluronan Interactions for Glioblastoma Stem Cell Therapy. | Dr. John Kim |
Lacey | Kennedy |
Biology and Psychology
Arts & Sciences | Exposure to intestinal microbiome-derived bacteria cause the degeneration of dopamine neurons. | Dr. Kim Caldwell and Dr. Stevan Marcus (in memorium) |
Margaret | Lawson |
Arts & Sciences | History of Us: Empowering High School Students to Confront the Legacy of Lynching. | Dr. John Giggie |
Hayden | Martz |
Physics and Electrical Engineering
Engineering | Spin Hall Effect in Thin Film Structures. | Dr. Claudia Mewes |
Emily | Pabst |
Arts & Sciences | Are ultraconserved elements an informative marker for reconstructing deep molluscan phylogeny? | Dr. Kevin Kocot |
James | Pezent |
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering | Innovative Trajectory Design for NASA’s Next-Generation Heliophysics Mission. | Dr. Rohan Sood |
Austin | Raney |
Arts & Sciences | Estimating Floodwater Depth using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. | Dr. Sagy Cohen |
Sarah | Rosenthal |
English and Public Relations
Arts & Sciences, CCIS | Global Foodways Digital Humanities Project: Hungarian Cuisine. | Dr. Lauren Cardon |
Morgan | Ross |
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
Engineering | Novel Non-contact Thermal Mechanical Loading of Ultrahigh Temperature Ceramics. | Dr. Gregory Thompson |
Nicole | Sempertegui |
Chemical Engineering
Engineering | A combined compression molding, heating, and leaching process for fabrication of micro-porous poly(ε-caprolactone) scaffolds. | Dr. Shreyas Rao |
Abigail | Sisti |
Engineering | Maternal effects and the mismatch hypothesis: dietary exposure to endocrine disruptors in mangrove rivulus fish (Kryptolebias marmoratus). | Dr. Ryan Earley |
Caris | Smith |
Arts & Sciences | Design of Systems for Actinide-Lanthanide Separations: Novel Ligands and Reaction Energetics. | Dr. David Dixon |
Sarah | Spruill |
International Studies
Arts & Sciences | Making it Real: Personal Transformation and Policy Knowledge in Volunteer and Paid Human Service Experience. | Dr. Brenda Smith |
Alexandra | Stanley |
Nursing | Communicating Oncologic Prognosis with Empathy: A Field Test of a Novel Communication Guide. | Dr. Megan Lippe |
Ryan | Tuckey |
Biological Sciences
Arts & Sciences | Functional Analysis of Human Apolipoprotein E Genetic Isoforms Expressed in an Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease. | Dr. Guy Caldwell |
Madeline | Vaji |
Biological Sciences
Arts & Sciences | Investigation of Genetic Modulators of Neuronal Thresholds of Susceptibility to Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s Disease. | Dr. Guy Caldwell |
Audrey | Ward |
Arts & Sciences | Effects of fighting experience on learning and memory. | Dr. Ryan Earley |
Lauryn | Woodyard |
Computer Engineering
Engineering | Determination of sEMG Values of Oral-facial and pharyngeal musculature during normal swallowing. | Dr. Todd Freeborn |
Donna | Xia |
Chemical Engineering
Engineering | Aqueous Hydrolysis Reactions of Actinide +III and +IV Ion: The First Step in Colloid Formation. | Dr. David Dixon |