The psychology bachelor’s degree program has been named the winner of the second annual Provost’s Assessment Award.
Established in 2017, the Provost’s Assessment Award recognizes excellence in academic program-level assessment and improvement of student learning. The winner is selected each year by the University Assessment Council from a pool of degree program assessment reports that most strongly exhibit the award criteria: meaningful, measurable, manageable and innovative.
The psychology department’s bachelor’s degree program uses a variety of assessment best practices such as triangulation (via multiple direct and indirect measures for each outcome), review of student artifacts by a committee of faculty members, and administration of student self-efficacy and opinion surveys. The psychology program collaboratively analyzes the data, creating meaningful action plans intended to improve student learning. The University Assessment Council cited these well-developed plans to enhance student learning as the number one reason they selected the report.
The other nominees for the 2018 award were the chemical engineering (bachelor of science) and marketing (master of science) programs.