UA Matters: How to Help Those Taking Care of Sick Loved Ones

Dr. Amy Beasley
Dr. Amy Beasley

Many people find themselves caring for loved ones because of the aging population and the increased incidence of illness.

As of 2012, almost half of all U.S. adults had one or more chronic illnesses, and approximately 34 million individuals care for someone with a chronic illness or disability, according to published research.

It is difficult at times to know how to “care” for the caregivers. The University of Alabama’s Dr. Amy Beasley offers some helpful tips to help reduce strain from caregivers.

  • Send them a card, note or text message just to let them know you are thinking about them.
  • Visit with the caregiver and offer emotional support. Often during caregiving they have no other interaction throughout their day, especially if their loved one is very ill.
  • Offer to run errands for the caregiver — pick up medications, go by the grocery store.
  • Bring a meal by the home so the caregiver can have a night off from food preparation.
  • Offer to help around the house. Help with cleaning and upkeep, offer to babysit if there are young children in the home or offer to sit with the patient so the caregiver has time away.

Beasley is an assistant professor at UA’s Capstone College of Nursing.
