UA Celebrates Constitution Day

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — In honor of Constitution Day, The University of Alabama will host a panel discussion Sept. 17 examining the constitutionality of national health care reform plans and the federal economic bailout.

The event will be held from 3-4 p.m. in Lloyd Hall, room 226, on the UA campus.

Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the event will feature Dr. Joseph Smith, associate professor of political science at UA, Bryan Fair, the Thomas E. Skinner Professor of Law in UA’s School of Law, and other panelists. Dr. David Lanoue, chair of UA’s department of political science, will serve as the panel’s moderator.

“When the federal government starts something new, and maybe even something controversial, it seems natural to wonder if these programs are constitutional,” said Smith, the event’s organizer. “I thought it would be educational for the University community, and the Tuscaloosa community, to hear some informed opinions on these issues and also get a chance to ask their own questions.”

Smith said students in his constitutional law class have asked him whether the programs are constitutional. Also, he said editorials in major national newspapers have argued that elements of the programs are unconstitutional.

Questions the panel will discuss include whether Congress has the authority to require individuals to buy health insurance, Smith said.

Constitution Day celebrates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. The day honors the legacy of the 39 men who signed the document and also gives citizens a chance to reflect on the laws it set in place.

For more information, contact Dr. Joseph Smith at 205/348-3806 or

The College of Arts and Sciences is the University’s largest division and the largest liberal arts college in the state. Students from the College have won numerous national awards including Rhodes Scholarships, Goldwater Scholarships and memberships on the USA Today Academic All American Team.


Angie Estes, College of Arts and Sciences, 205/348-8539,