Alabama Launchpad 2008 Contestants Compete for $175,000 in Prizes

The annual statewide Alabama Launchpad business plan competition for technology and high-growth ideas has attracted 41 teams to compete in its second season. The University of Alabama has 12 participating teams, the most of any institution.

Science of the Small Brings Giant Hope

Think, for a second, about the size of a red blood cell. Now, imagine anything that’s about 7,000 times smaller. That would be a nanometer. It’s also representative of the world in which a host of University of Alabama researchers are involved.

Coca-Cola Scholars from UA Help Area Families with Ill Infants

This year’s freshman class of Coca-Cola First Generation Scholars at The University of Alabama are giving back to the West Alabama community in a service project to help five families who have critically ill babies in intensive care at DCH Regional Medical Center.

Chairman of Atlanta Fed to Speak at UA’s 2008 Economic Outlook Conference

Dennis Lockhart, the president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, will be the keynote speaker at the 2008 Economic Outlook Conference scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 17 and presented by The University of Alabama’s Center for Business and Economic Research.

UA French Professor Honors Famous Feminist Writer with Latest Book

Dr. Metka Zupančič, associate professor of French and modern languages at The University of Alabama, pays tribute to one of the most influential women writers in France with her latest work.

Time for Holiday Cheer — Circle K Students to Host Luminaries on the UA Quad

In an annual event that helps others while getting the community in the holiday spirit, The University of Alabama chapter of Circle K will host its Luminaries on the Quad on Sunday, Dec. 2 from 5-8 pm.

Templeton Award Winner Otteson to Speak at UA Libraries on Ethics and Politics

Dr. James R. Otteson, University of Alabama professor of philosophy and Arts and Sciences Leadership Board Fellow, will speak on “Grand Unification Social Theory: Bringing It All Together in Ethics and Politics” Thursday, Dec. 6 at 4 p.m. in 205 Gorgas Library.

Lecture and Film at UA Focuses on Bohemian New Orleans, Loujon Press and the Beat Generation

Dr. Jeff Weddle, assistant professor in The University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies will talk about his new book “Bohemian New Orleans: The Story of the Outsider and Loujon Press” and screen a documentary film on the subject Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. in 205 Gorgas Library.

Miss UA Competition to be Held on Campus

The 2008 Miss University of Alabama competition will take place Saturday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in Morgan Hall Auditorium on the UA campus.

State Home Sales Continue Downward Trend, According to Numbers from UA’s Alabama Center for Real Estate

Total home sales in Alabama during October reflected the most significant monthly retreat this year by posting a decline of 12.25 percent when compared to October of last year, according to the Alabama Center for Real Estate at The University of Alabama.