U.S. Navy Band to Perform at UA

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The Concert Band of the U.S. Navy will perform at The University of Alabama on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the Moody Music Concert Hall.

The Navy Band is recognized by many as the world’s finest, and is staffed by some of the nation’s best musicians. The event, which is hosted by the UA College of Arts and Sciences School of Music, is free and open to the public, and tickets are not necessary.

Established in 1925 by Congress, the Navy Band has participated in 19 presidential inaugurations and presents honors at White House ceremonies and memorial services in Arlington National Cemetery. The band also tours the country annually.

The Navy Band occupies a position of national prominence as both a service tradition and a distinguished musical organization. The Navy’s top musicians have been featured at national events such as the 2001 “United in Memory” memorial service at the Pentagon and the dedication ceremony of the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Va.

For more information about this event contact Alexis Clark at 205/348-1477, or for more information about the Navy music program call 1-800-962-1425.


Chad Gilbert or Linda Hill, UA Media Relations, 205/348-8325, lhill@ur.ua.edu


Alexis Clark, 205/348-1477, azeller@music.ua.edu