Alumni Serving in Afghanistan Send Flag to UA Campus

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – University of Alabama graduate and 2nd Lt. Christopher Chaney, a platoon leader with the 187th Airborne Infantry Regiment serving in Afghanistan, recently presented an American Flag flown over the Regimental Headquarters in Afghanistan to Lt. Col. Neil C. Reinwald Jr., UA professor of military science and commander of UA Army Battalion ROTC.

This flag will be presented by Reinwald to Dr. Sybil Todd, UA vice president for student affairs, in a ceremony Wednesday, Aug. 28, at 3 p.m. in the Ferguson Theater. The flag is being given to the University to honor UA alumni who are serving in the war on terrorism. The public is invited to attend the ceremony at the Ferguson Theater Wednesday from 3-5 p.m.

In January, Chaney, class of 2001, deployed for operations in Afghanistan. Chaney served as a platoon leader in A Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry (Rakkasans), 101st Airborne Division. He, along with his father, Maj. Kim Chaney, a former assistant professor of military science at the University, participated in a series of combat actions against al Qaeda forces including Operation Anaconda. For his actions, Chris was awarded the highly coveted Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

The idea for the flag was generated and accomplished through the efforts of Chaney and his father.

In addition to Chaney, other alums and cadets have been involved in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Brig. Gen. John R. Scales, class of 1970, was recalled from retirement and assigned as Deputy Commanding General, Joint Special Operations Command. Cadet Elizabeth Casebeer returned to the University in June after deploying to Afghanistan with her U.S. Army Reserve Public Affairs Detachment. Cadet Casebeer served with the 101st Airborne Division and earned the Army Commendation Medal for her role in the war against terrorism.

As we welcome some UA alumni home, more are deploying. Most notable is Maj. Gen. John R. Vines, class of 1971, who is the current Commander of the 82d Airborne Division. Vines’ division is replacing the 101st Airborne Division in Afghanistan.

The flag will presented during the ROTC’s contracting ceremony. This ceremony is designed to recognize University students who have made the commitment to join Crimson Tide Army ROTC. At the ceremony, these students will be sworn in and receive one gold bar as a symbol of their commitment. The other gold bar, the grade insignia of a second lieutenant, will be placed on display at the ROTC building as reminder of the goal of becoming a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, either on active duty or as a member of the National Guard or Army Reserve.

This year marks the 142nd anniversary of the UA Corps of Cadets. Members of the Corps follow in the footsteps of a distinguished group of alumni, says Maj. Gerald Posey of UA Army ROTC. Since its inception, the Corps has produced over 4,800 officers and participated in almost every U.S. military conflict, including the Civil War, the Spanish American War, the Philippine Insurrection, the Boxer Rebellion, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, and Desert Storm through to our current operations in Afghanistan, Posey noted. Among the Corps of Cadets’ alumni are some 34 military generals, five governors of Alabama, numerous Congressmen, CEOs, authors and philanthropists, he added.


Linda Hill, Office of Media Relations, 205/348-8325,


Maj. Gerald L. Posey, 205/348-1060