closeup of a person's hands as they use a braille keyboard

5 Ways to Boost Digital Accessibility at UA

Design for accessibility.

Convey content in multiple ways; don’t just use images, color, video, or audio. Always use headings and lists when available, alternative text for images, descriptive link text and when using colors or graphics to help communicate a message, be sure to check the color contrast of designs. Use tools like the Webaim color contrast checker to check color contrast and Wave to check the accessibility of a webpage.

Provide captioned or transcribed versions of any media you use.

Captioning grants are available to caption and/or transcribe UA-owned video and audio. Contact or visit to learn more about captioning and to have your recordings captioned.

Build accessibility into your work practices.

Take advantage of Acrobat, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook’s built-in accessibility checkers for any content you create or share.

Communicate clearly and concisely.

Keep the lines of communication with your users open and available. Avoid “click here”, “read more”, or other generic link/menu text. In addition, communicate to vendors/publishers/third parties that accessibility is important and ask how they are planning for accessibility. You can find suggested questions to ask vendors on the Technology Accessibility website.

Attend UA’s Global Accessibility Awareness events.

Join the Center for Instructional Technology and the UA Technology Accessibility team during the week of May 13-17 to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day. CIT and the Technology Accessibility team will be hosting virtual and in-person events that can help the UA community address accessibility needs and create a more inclusive campus.