Shaheen Kanthawala
Assistant Professor
Dr. Shaheen Kanthawala is an assistant professor in the department of journalism and creative media. Her primary research interests lie at the intersection of health communication and technologies. Specifically, her research addresses how people use health-related technologies, such as health apps, the internet and social media, and online health communities, to self-manage their health conditions. Kanthawala also examines how these technologies affect users’ decisions and outcomes.
More recently, Kanthawala has also been looking at the role of platforms and platform governance, and content creators such as influencers. The governance of the platforms we use on a regular basis tend to lead to the information we have access to. Understanding how platforms govern themselves and the resulting outcomes is examined in her recent work. Furthermore, through content creators/influencers, we are exposed to their experiences, expertise, and lifestyles – how this affects both content creators and consumers is current and on-going work.
College Communication and Information Sciences
Department Journalism and Creative Media
Phone 517-281-8044