Ryan Moran
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ryan Moran serves as an assistant professor in the CAATE – accredited athletic training program, along with conducting research in the Athletic Training Research Lab and for the Integrative Center for Athletic and Sport Technology (I-CAST). His main area of research encompasses epidemiology of sport-related concussion and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), along with neurophsychological, vestibular, and ocular motor impairments in youth and collegiate athletes. His recent work has been featured in the American Journal of Sports Medicine and The Journal of Athletic Training. He is adamant about educating healthcare professionals, parents, coaches, teachers and athletes on the importance of reporting head injuries and the short and long term consequences of concussion and traumatic brain injuries.
College College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department Health Science
Email rnmoran@ua.edu
Phone 205-348-0140