Lori Greene
Senior Instructor
Lori F. Greene, MS, RD, LD is a senior instructor at The University of Alabama where she is also the Director of the Coordinated Program in Dietetics. Her current research interests include the effectiveness of education techniques, risk perceptions of food and nutrition messages, and food marketing. She completed her dietetic internship and master’s degree at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
During her career, she has authored/co-authored 8 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Obesity, Ethnicity & Disease, and Diabetes Care focusing on weight management, body image, and minority health. She was involved in the Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group on their executive committee as the Treasurer and Communications Director and has served as the President of the Tuscaloosa Dietetic Association.
College College of Human Environmental Sciences
Department Nutrition and Hospitality Management
Email lgreene@ches.ua.edu
Phone 205-348-4710