Research Participants Needed

Researchers at The University of Alabama seek participants in studies. Brief descriptions of active projects in need of volunteers are provided along with contact information.

Note to researchers: Only projects approved by the UA Institutional Review Board are eligible for inclusion on this page. All projects submitted by students will be sent to the faculty adviser for approval. When a new project is added, a link to this page may be included in the email newsletter, Inside UA, distributed to the campus community. If a study needs to be removed from this page, contact

Suicide Prevention Study Seeks Participants

Researchers in the School of Social Work seek adults aged 18-29 willing to participate in a one-hour Zoom interview with a licensed social worker for a study that explores the lived experience of suicide attempt survivors. Participants will receive compensation. Complete this survey to determine eligibility. Direct questions about the study to Haelim Jeong at

Study on Post-stillbirth Support Needs Participants

A study in the College of Nursing is recruiting Black mothers who have lost a baby to stillbirth within the past five years. The study’s goal is to learn how Black mothers coped with their stillbirths to help develop better support systems for other Black mothers after stillbirth. Participants will complete a private, one-hour interview and receive a $40 gift card for participating. To learn more, contact Dr. Carrie Henry at or complete the interest form.

Adults Needed for Study on Self-Driving Cars and AI

Participants are needed to complete a survey for a study exploring the interaction between moral reasoning and artificial intelligence in the context of self-driving cars. There is no compensation for participating. However, your participation will contribute significantly to the understanding of public perceptions and ethical considerations in AI development.

Individuals in Second Trimester of Pregnancy Needed

Would you like to help researchers learn more about how children’s brains develop and positively impact future generations of children in our community? Information learned from the HEALthy Brain and Child Development study will help families and society better understand how growing children are affected by their experiences and environment. All assessments in the study are free. In the first year there will be three to four in-person visits. After the first year, there are an average of one to two visits with some being in person and some being remote. Visits range from 2.5 hours to 8 hours and are compensated at an average of $40 per hour.

Study Assessments Include:

  • Different types of pictures of the child’s brain through EEG and MRI’s
  • Growth measurements
  • Specimen samples from both birth parent and child
  • Medical and family history surveys
  • Play assessments starting when the child is 3-9 months old.

To learn more or participate, complete the online form.

Adults Needed for Study on Group Interaction and Driving

The Institute for Social Science Research TRIP Lab seeks participants for the CREW study, which will assess group performance and communication under varying levels of AI assistance. Participants will work in a six-person team to complete a simulated driving mission. Each participant is compensated $200 at the completion of their 4-hour appointment. Participants must have a valid driver’s license and be between the ages of 18-55. Summer availability is preferred. Interested individuals should complete this survey and subsequent consent form to determine eligibility. Questions? Please contact Addie Godsy at

Siblings Needed for Learning Study

This study by the Bama Baby Lab looks at how siblings play, interact and learn. Researchers will visit participants’ homes to record siblings and caretakers as they go about their usual daily routine for three hours. The visit lasts about 3.5 hours, and you will receive a $100 gift card at the end of the session.

Participant requirements: 

  • Primary language must be English or Spanish. 
  • Younger sibling must be over 12 months. 
  • Older sibling must be younger than 10 years. 
  • The age gap between the siblings should be 5 years or fewer. 

All information will be kept confidential. If interested, fill out the form. To learn more, contact or 205-348-4257.

Adults Needed for Emotional Response Study

Participants aged 18-55 are needed for a study examining emotional responses to daily life events. Participants will meet with the research team virtually, complete an introductory questionnaire, complete tasks on a computer during an in-person lab session, and take brief surveys on their smartphones five times per day for two weeks. Participants can earn up to $200. Learn more and see if you’re eligible to participate.

Children Needed for Learning Studies

The Bama Baby Lab studies how infants and children learn. There are multiple ongoing studies for infants and children ages 10 months to 4 years. Participants attend a 2-hour long session at The University of Alabama. Researchers will observe how your child plays and learns words. You will receive $50 for participation. All information will be kept confidential. If interested, fill out the form. To learn more contact or 205-348-4257.

Adults Exposed to Interpersonal Violence (Physical and/or Sexual Assault) Needed for Paid MRI Study

Researchers are interested in determining whether an acute bout of aerobic exercise enhances specific learning processes. Participants must have been exposed to interpersonal violence (i.e., physical and/or sexual assault) and be currently experiencing PTSD symptoms. Participants will be asked to complete a remote intake visit and three separate in-person visits on consecutive days at The University of Alabama MRI Research Facility on campus. Participants will complete a computer-based task in an MRI scanner. Participants must be comfortable with receiving a mild electric shock at various times while completing the task. The intensity of the mild shock is self-selected by each participant at a level they find “maximally uncomfortable but not painful.” Participants will complete a 30-minute aerobic exercise bout on a stationary cycle at one of the visits. Participants will provide saliva and blood samples at some of the visits. Total time commitment is about 8-9 hours over four visits. Participants will be compensated $200 for completing study procedures. For more information and to see if you’re eligible, contact the UA Exercise Psychology Lab at  and say you are interested in the exercise and fear study.

Children, Young Adults Needed for Research Studies

Researchers with the Center for Youth Development and Intervention at The University of Alabama are conducting several research studies seeking child, teen and young adult participants. They include:

Clinical trial for children 6-11 with behavior issues

This study evaluates a new computerized treatment for children ages 6-11 with certain difficulties, including low empathy or concern for others that can put them at risk for developing behavioral problems. The therapy is called FAST: Facial Affect Sensitivity Training for Young Children. Participants will be randomized to either receive the new treatment or a control program. The program is free. Families will be paid up to $600 for finishing the study in either group. For more information, please visit the study’s information and screening webpage or contact coordinator Dr. Nicole Powell at

Children ages 6-11 are needed for a study on how they understand emotions through facial expression. Participation includes one study session at UA for about 3 hours along with computer tasks completed by children and a questionnaire completed by parents and children. Families can earn $85 for completing the study. For eligibility, contact or call 205-348-3534.

Sleep Study Seeks African American, White Adults

African American and white adults ages 40 to 70 are needed to participate in a sleep research study within the UA Department of Psychology. Each person will come to the campus sleep laboratory for 2.5 to 3 hours, and then be sent home with a sleep monitor. After one week, participants will return the monitor to receive a personalized sleep report. Participants can be paid up to $75. For more information visit the Capstone Sleep Lab or email

Teens and Parents Needed for Study

The UA Department of Psychology seeks teenagers aged 13-15 with behavioral or emotional issues and a parent to participate in a free screening. About an hour will required to come to campus for questionnaires and role-play activities that examine personality and behavior, receiving feedback on whether the teen should receive formal diagnostic testing as well as resources to seek out testing. For completion, families will receive $40, split between the teen and parents. For eligibility requirements, please provide information online or contact researchers at 205-614–3118, or visit Dr. Randall Salekin’s lab website.

Study of transition support program seeks young people with autism spectrum disorder

People with autism spectrum disorder aged 16-25 and a parent or informant are needed for an up to 18-week study testing the impact of the Stepped Transition to Employment and Postsecondary Education Success program, which is designed to support transition to growing independence among autistic adolescents and young adults. STEPS is highly individualized to meet the unique needs of each person. If found eligible, the individual would be randomly assigned to get either STEPS or community-based services. Participants can earn up to $240 for completion of study requirements. Contact if interested or visit its webpage.

Institute for Rural Health Research Seeks Participants for National Research Study

“All of Us,” the largest and most diverse health research program funded by the National Institutes for Health, needs participants to provide health information so researchers can learn more about community health. Managed locally by the Institute for Rural Health Research, the research program provides a $25 gift card after completing the enrollment journey. To learn more about the program, please call 205-348-6991, email at or visit

Study on Relationship of Sleep, Weight Seeks Male Participants 200+ Pounds

A study led by health science researchers seeks 65 participants, especially males weighing over 200 pounds, for a one-week sleep study investigating the relationship between body composition and sleep and their role in developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The study includes the collection of health data in the lab and a sleep study and assessment with provided Fitbits at home. Study participants will receive a $200 gift card and results from all cardiovascular and metabolic tests conducted. For more information on the study and to sign up, visit

Teens, Caregivers Wanted for Sleep Study

To learn more about the sleep health of high school students, researchers in the UA Department of Psychology seek participants aged 14-17 along with their families for the Teen Sleep Health Study. This study can be completed via mail or online from a smartphone, tablet or computer. Adolescents who complete both parts of the study can receive up to $63, and their parent can receive up to $48. Those interested in participating and learning more can email the researchers at as well as call or text at 205-523-5520.