Leah E. LeFebvre
Associate Professor
Dr. LeFebvre’s primary research focuses on exploring adaptations and modifications in romantic relationship initiation and dissolution practices through emerging technologies and technological adaptations. Currently, she is examining pre-initiation behaviors and rejection processes on Tinder, ghosting as a modernized mediated disengagement, and memorialization in dissolution on social media and virtual platforms.
She also studies meaning-making through narration and storytelling processes that inform, reinforce and reshape relationships during initiation, conflict and dissolution. She has explored individualistic and relationship sense-making in origin and breakup stories.
Additionally, she intertwines research and pedagogical practices. She investigates small group communication, basic communication course, and communication centers examining their conventional practices and assumptions surrounding public speaking practices, video recording implementation, and assessment strategies.
College Communication and Information Sciences
Department Communication Studies
Email lelefebvre@ua.edu
Phone 205-348-8075