Power Play: Students Share Love of Hockey with Local K-12 Kids

During her sophomore year at The University of Alabama, Savannah Prefontaine, who comes from a hockey family and worked for the UA women’s hockey club team, wanted to spread awareness about the UA men’s and women’s club teams.

She and several other students created the Grow the Game student organization, which focuses on increasing the community’s appreciation of hockey and the importance of community engagement.

See How Grow the Game Makes an Impact on Tuscaloosa Kids

Partnering with local schools, the organization has created opportunities for local youth to connect with the sport in meaningful ways. Players from the men’s and women’s club teams host learning modules for elementary and middle school students during P.E. classes, demonstrating hockey skills and introducing the game to kids who might not have had the chance to experience it otherwise. Through drills and games, students gain basic skills and an appreciation for the sport.

Seeing the excitement and curiosity of the younger students is a gratifying experience for the Grow the Game members. It’s also an excellent way for current players to give back to the sport that has affected their lives. Introducing hockey in this way helps ensure the sport’s future growth while building a sense of community and connection, members said.

The group’s mission to foster awareness and provide educational opportunities for hockey is crucial to expanding the sport’s reach, especially in areas where it may not be as widely recognized or accessible. What a great way to create a lasting impact on both the community and the sport itself!