UA Museums Hosts Free Holiday Events
The University of Alabama Museums invites visitors to enjoy the holidays with free events at the Gorgas House Museum, Paul W. Bryant Museum and Alabama Museum of Natural History.
Why This Matters: Explore what UA Museums has to offer as the holiday season gets underway with numerous family activities.
For more information, contact Rebecca Johnson at rljohnson8@ua.edu.
Sensory Santa Visits UA Autism Clinic
Sensory Santa will visit children and families at the UA Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic Dec. 9. Media are invited to speak with staff prior to the event at 4:30 p.m.
Why This Matters: Children with Autism spectrum disorder often aren’t able to visit Santa in crowded places due to waiting in line and dealing with the unexpected. Sensory Santa will meet with autistic children and families in a quiet environment that will allow one-on-one interaction.
For more information, contact Bryant Welbourne at bryant.welbourne@ua.edu.
The history of the chili pepper is in some ways the history of humanity in the Americas, says Dr. Katherine Chiou, an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology.
Why This Matters: As a paleoethnobotanist, Chiou studies the long-term relationship between people and plants through archeological remains. Chiou has outlined evidence that the domestication of Capsicum annum var. annum, the species responsible for most commercially available chilies, occurred in a different region of Mexico than has been previously believed.
For more information, contact Jessica Nelson at jessica.nelson@ua.edu.
Capstone String Quartet Recital
Dec. 10; Moody Music Building
UA Opera Theatre: Amahl and the Night Visitors
Dec. 15; Bryant-Jordan Hall
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