Which Dorm Will Win? Conserve Energy Competition Underway

Flyer of the Battle of the Halls

On-campus students will participate in the annual Crimson Conserve Energy Competition Sept. 23-Oct. 6. Whichever residence hall uses the least amount of energy will be rewarded with a celebration!  

Unplug unused electronics, turn the lights off when you’re not home and take shorter showers to be more energy efficient. By making small conservation changes, such as using less water, students can help protect the earth’s resources. 

George Cottrill, a resident advisor in Parham Hall, said, “The Crimson Conserve Competition is a great way to introduce freshmen and anyone living in the dorms to the idea of being a citizen of the world, not just their own town or state.” 

Starting the habit of reducing energy usage as freshmen will help students save money for life. Off-campus students are still recommended to reduce energy consumption to save money all while helping the environment. 

“I think it’s a great program that we participate in here at UA and I know that I for one am always talking to my residents about the competition, trying to bring in that prize to Parham Hall every year, whether it’s through our floor GroupMe, flyers that we hang up, or just conversations had in passing,” Cottrill said. 

Leader scoreboards for residence halls will be updated daily on the department of energy management’s Instagram and Facebook accounts. 

Energy Engineer Donnie Grill said, “We ensure that the University manages its utilities as effectively as possible and maintains a quality environment that is conducive to work and study. Our goal is to reduce the normalized energy consumption per square foot of campus building space by 2% per year through 2030.” 

This competition helps teach the importance of energy conservation, aligning with the University’s goal of becoming a more energy-efficient campus. Each year, the University examines new technologies and conducts energy audits at campus buildings to find ways to reduce energy consumption on a grander scale. Energy engineers also collect and analyze utility meter data, analyze utility rates, and promote energy conservation and awareness. 

Waste Not, Want Not. Start Using Less Energy Today with These Quick Tips:

  • Wash laundry in full, cold loads.  
  • Swap one incandescent or fluorescent light bulb for one LED bulb for free at a light bulb swap table event. Check the UA events calendar or the department of energy management’s social media for the next tabling event. 
  • Conserve water! Take shorter showers.  
  • Click the thermostat up (73 degrees or higher) or turn off the air conditioner completely and open the window for a few hours for cool air this time of year. 
  • Switch off unnecessary lights.  
  • Unplug electronics when not in use.  
  • Ride the bus, rent a bike through UREC or walk instead of driving. 
  • Reduce waste! Reuse water bottles and recycle. 
  • Buy your food from locally owned businesses such as Mark’s Mart or at the Tuscaloosa Farmers’ Market on Saturdays at the River Market. 

“Reduce your carbon footprint!” added Grill.