UA Preview — July 17-23, 2023


UA EXPANDS EFFORT RESPONDING TO RURAL HEALTH INEQUITIES A project led by The University of Alabama to equip communities in the state to be more resilient to health disparities is expanding its reach. The Equitable Neighborhoods Initiative is adding five communities after a 1-year, $3.7 million extension of the original grant. The support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Alabama Department of Public Health means the initiative will work with 20 communities in the state over three years with a total of $7.8 million. Led by the UA Center for Economic Development, ENI aims to address issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic in communities while helping build capacity to meet future challenges to health and quality of life. For more information, contact Deidre Stalnaker, UA Strategic Communications, at  

UA RESEARCH AIMS TO IMPROVE CHILDREN’S SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL SKILLS — UA researchers have developed an effective prevention program that can improve a child’s stress physiology and make lasting impacts on social skills, impulsive anger and aggression. With support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Dr. Caroline Boxmeyer, professor of psychiatry and behavioral medicine, led a study on Mindful Coping Power, a new format of the Coping Power prevention program. Mindful Coping Power provides training to increase a child’s social competence and self-regulation to reduce aggressive behavior and prevent later problems such as substance use and delinquency. For more information, contact Bryant Welbourne, UA Strategic Communications, at  

UA STUDENTS WIN NATIONAL AWARD FOR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN — Students from Minerva, advertising and public relations’ graduate portfolio program, won silver at the national American Advertising Awards June 2. The campaign, titled “Spotify Audiobooks – Sincerely,” marks the program’s first national win in five years. In February, the campaign won a gold ADDY in Tuscaloosa’s local American Advertising Awards. From there, the campaign won silver in the district competition and silver at the national awards in June. For more information, contact Bryant Welbourne, UA Strategic Communications, at

UA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION HOSTS EMPOWERING EDUCATORS CONFERENCE — The UA College of Education is hosting the Empowering Educators Conference Aug. 5 in Autherine Lucy Hall on the UA campus. The conference aims to give educational leaders the skills to manage equitable multicultural environments, access inclusive spaces and lead with integrity by navigating the terrains of academia. Online registration is currently open. Lunch is included.  


JR. ARCHAEOLOGY DAY — The UA Moundville Archaeological Park is participating in Jr. Archaeology Day July 21 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Sloss Furnace in Birmingham. Participants will learn about the history of Sloss Furnace through archaeological excavation and interpretation. The event is free and no registration is required. All ages are welcome and activities are geared toward K-12 students. 

PALEONTOLOGY SHOW AND TELL — The Alabama Museum of Natural History is hosting Paleontology Show and Tell July 20 from 10 to 11 a.m. Discover the wonders of what paleontology is and what types of tools are used to uncover different types of fossils. Participants in grades 1-3 will have a show-and-tell experience with real-life fossils and equipment and can dress up as a paleontologist. This program is free with paid museum admission. 

NEED A SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT ON TOPICS MAKING NEWS? — See our frequently updated experts directory here.  


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